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VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner McKee said that since he was 15 years old until 2007 he grew tobacco. <br /> From 1972 to 1983 he was a heavy smoker. He said that this ordinance covers the towns. He <br /> asked the Attorney if the towns' ordinances are more or less restrictive. <br /> John Roberts said that this rule would not impact more stringently any town ordinances. <br /> If the town ordinance is less stringent, the Board of Health ordinance would take precedence. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if discussions had been held with the municipalities to <br /> make sure that they are all in agreement. <br /> Colleen Bridger said that there was a public leaders' forum for elected officials to <br /> express concerns. The leaders in attendance were supportive and were mainly interested in <br /> the technicalities surrounding the implementation. She and the Chair of the Board of Health <br /> were invited to a meeting of the Town of Hillsborough where the elected officials officially <br /> voiced their concerns. The draft minutes from that meeting are in the packet. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that at the elected officials meeting the Towns of Mebane, <br /> Carrboro, and Chapel Hill were represented, but not Hillsborough. <br /> Commissioner McKee made reference to the regulation of smoking on private property <br /> "where the public is invited." He asked John Roberts to explain "invited." He is concerned <br /> when this affects private property. <br /> John Roberts said that any privately owned commercial establishment where the public <br /> would have reason to go to conduct business by invitation or otherwise, that type of <br /> establishment would be covered under this. It would not cover private residence. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked about the condominiums and common areas. <br /> John Roberts said that condominium owners only own within the walls of the structure. <br /> The association still owns the common areas. <br /> Colleen Bridger concurred with John Roberts regarding the condominiums and that only <br /> common areas would be under this regulation. Regarding the businesses, it is only indoors <br /> and not outdoors. <br /> Commissioner McKee made reference to the fine of$25 for violators and said that <br /> there does not seem to be any consequences if the fine is not paid. <br /> John Roberts said that the statute says nothing more than the payment of the cash <br /> penalty. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked Colleen Bridger to talk about what was discussed in the elected <br /> officials meeting. <br /> Colleen Bridger said that she needed to clarify the office building issue. She said that <br /> the only area that would be covered under this rule would be the common areas in the office <br /> building. One of the significant things they wanted to get across is that this is about education <br /> and empowerment. They want to make sure that people understand where smoking is allowed <br /> and not allowed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she is a strong supporter of smoke-free public places. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that Commissioner McKee did list a wide range of places <br /> where this rule would apply and that is accurate and intentional. He said that there is a wide <br /> range of places where people have smoke imposed on them against their will. The purpose of <br /> this rule is to minimize those types of activities and to protect people who do not want to <br /> smoke or breathe other people's smoke. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that to her this is a no-brainer. <br /> ORD-2012-054 <br />