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Article 2: Procedures 29 <br />Section 2.16: Subdivisions in the Economic Development, Commercial, and /or commercial - Industrial Nodes <br />A Certificate of Adequacy of Public School <br />Facilities (CAPS) shall be issued by the relevant School District in accordance with Section 6.19 <br />for major and minor subdivision projects. <br />A) All subdivisions in the Economic Development, Commercial and /or Commercial- dustrial <br />Nodes, as identified in the Comprehensive Plan, shall submit an application in <br />accordance with the requirements specified in Section 2.15.3(B). <br />(B) Initial review of all subdivisions in the Economic Development, Commerci I and /or <br />ommercial- Industrial Nodes shall be performed by the Planning Dep ment. <br />(C) Fo wing review by the Planning Department all subdivisions shall How the major <br />subd ision preliminary plat approval procedures specified in Sec n 2.15.3. <br />(D) All road in the Nodes identified in (A) above are required to b public and constructed to <br />North Car 'na Department of Transportation standards. <br />(E) Final plat app vals shall follow the final plat approval pr edures in Section 2.15.4. <br />(F) Additional Requi ments for Hillsborough Economic D velopment District: <br />(1) When a M -CZ rezoning petition is appr ed, and the tract that is subject of <br />said rezoning i proposed to be subdivid d, all provisions of Article 7 shall be <br />satisfied. <br />(a) The applic t may obtain proval of the subdivision simultaneously with <br />the approval f the rezo i g if sufficient information (i.e. lot lines, lot size, <br />etc) is shown o the si plan or at a later time. <br />(b) The subdivision s be consistent with the terms of the MPD -CZ and <br />Special Use Per lass A (as applicable) that is approved along with <br />the rezoning pe ion. <br />(c) If the Maste Ian and Sp cial Use Permit, Class A (as applicable) that is <br />approved ong with the M -CZ rezoning petition establishes density, <br />floor are , impervious surfac or similar limitations on the tract that is <br />rezon or any portion thereof, e subdivision final plat that creates lots <br />out any portion of the tract so e cumbered shall indicate on the face of <br />th plat with respect to each lot suc limitations or restrictions as are <br />ecessary to ensure compliance with e Master Plan and MPD -CZ <br />rezoning approval. <br />(i) For example, if the Master Plan as ciated with a MPD -CZ <br />approval shows a ten -acre portion o e tract approved for retail <br />development with a maximum floor are of 100,000 square feet, <br />then if that ten acre area is subdivided, e h lot so created shall <br />show on the face of the plat the maximum ilding area that can <br />be constructed on that lot. <br />2.17.1 kenerally <br />(A) Lots Unsold <br />The owner of a parcel subject to an approved plat may vacate the plat at any ti\bore any lot in the plat is sold. The plat is vacated when a signed, acknowledged ins <br />2 As a CAPS now has to be issued, and cannot be denied, there is no need for language within the UDO requiring the <br />issuance of said document before approval of a project. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 2 -55 <br />