Agenda - 02-25-2013 - C1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-25-2013 - Quarterly Public Hearing
Agenda - 02-25-2013 - C1
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Last modified
5/26/2015 11:21:20 AM
Creation date
2/15/2013 3:10:08 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 02-25-2013
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Article 2: Procedures 13 <br />Section 2.4: Zoning Compliance Permits <br />Overlay District designation of the subject Property .2 This site plan may <br />contain all required elements associated with obtaining a Zoning <br />Compliance, Erosion Control, and Stormwater permit as detailed herein,3 <br />(2) Interior renovation or repair of an existing structure, provided the use of the lot <br />and /or structure has not changed. <br />(C) Issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit is required prior to beginning the excavation for <br />the construction, moving, alteration, or repair, except ordinary repairs, of any building or <br />other structure, including an accessory structure. The Zoning Compliance Permit shall <br />include a determination that plans, specifications and the intended use of the structure <br />conforms to the provisions of this Ordinance. <br />(D) Issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit is required to change the type of use or type of <br />occupancy of any building, or to expand any use on any lot on which there is a non- <br />conforming use. The Zoning Compliance Permit shall include a determination that the <br />proposed use conforms to the provisions of this Ordinance. <br />Requirements and Conditions <br />In cases where the development and /or commencement of a land use requir the <br />issuance of a Special Use or a Conditional Use Permit, a Zoning Compli ce Permit shall <br />be issued until the aforementioned permit has been issued by th esponsible board <br />in ac dance with the review and approval procedures detailed rein. <br />(B) Issuance o Special Use or Conditional Use Permit does t negate the requirement for <br />a Zoning Comp i ce Permit. <br />(C) Issuance of a Zoning mpliance Permit does establish a vested right to begin and <br />complete construction or nge the use /oc pancy of a lot or building should <br />regulations change subseque o issu e of said permit. <br />(D) Application for Zoning Complianc it shall specify the method of disposal of trees, <br />limbs, stumps and constructio ebris as ciated with the permitted activity. Open <br />burning of trees, limbs, �itb ps, and /or cons t tion debris associated with the permitted <br />activity is expressly p ited . <br />(E) No building, str ure, or zoning lot for which a Zoning pliance Permit has been <br />issued shal e used or occupied until the Building Inspecto as, after final inspection, <br />issued ertificate of Occupancy indicating compliance with al e provisions of this <br />Or " ance. <br />(F) o building, structure, or zoning lot for which a Zoning Compliance Permi s been <br />issued shall be used or occupied until the Orange County Health Department <br />approved the water supply and sewage disposal systems serving that use. <br />2 There is an existing disconnect between permit submittal requirements for a Zoning Compliance Permit and a <br />Stormwater management plan. Staff of Current Planning and Erosion Control could, essentially, be looking at 2 <br />different proposals as there is not an appropriate reference to the stormwater permitting requirement in this section <br />of the UDO. There is also a disconnect with respect to the required level of site plan detail (i.e. professionally <br />prepared versus scaled plot plan) to obtain a land disturbing permit. Staff is proposing to add language requiring a <br />formal site plan, completed by a land surveyor or engineer, in all instances where proposed land disturbance <br />thresholds require the development of a formal stormwater plan. The hope here is we will avoid the duplication of <br />submittal information and ensure all County review agencies are utilizing and reviewing the same development <br />proposal to avoid unnecessary confusion and error. <br />3 The red bold text was added to address comments from the January 9, 2013 ORC meeting where members wanted <br />some language encouraging the submittal of a single site plan complying with all zoning and erosion <br />control / stormwater permit requirements. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 2 -8 <br />
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