Orange County NC Website
financial support to the process at the State’s request, along with the State and <br />NCRR. <br />Background information about the three proposed private crossing closures can <br />be found online at: <br />Staff will provide an update and any other information at the meeting, and the <br />Boards can discuss issues related to this item as necessary. <br />No Attachments <br />2.Transit <br />This subject area provides the opportunity for the two governing boards to discuss the following <br />items: <br />a)Update on Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan (OCBRIP) <br />Implementation <br />The OCBRIP was adopted by the County Commissioners in October 2012 and <br />specifies revenues, costs, borrowing, financial assumptions (inflation, sales tax <br />growth) and timing of new/expanded bus and rail services to 2035. Elements of <br />the Plan most relevant to Hillsborough include: <br />New regional bus service connecting Mebane, Hillsborough, and Durham <br />Increased peak hour service on the 420 Route between Hillsborough and <br />Chapel Hill <br />Bus service hours for the Hillsborough Circulator and addition of Saturday <br />service <br />Park and Ride lot at Cedar Grove Park <br />Hillsborough Amtrak Station <br />As a corollary, the BOCC, Triangle Transit Authority, and the Durham-Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) are all parties to an <br />operational and explanatory agreement, known as the Interlocal Implementation <br />Agreement, which among other items provides for the creation of a Staff Working <br />Group (SWG) to monitor plan progress. When meetings of the SWG have <br />Hillsborough bus service as part of its agenda, Town of Hillsborough Staffwill be <br />asked to participate. <br /> <br />Staff will provide any other information at the meeting, and the Boards can discuss <br />issues related to this item as necessary. <br />More information on this program is available at: <br /> <br />No Attachments <br /> <br />