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8 <br /> 1 change each year, on November 15th, roughly the 45th day of school. Based on the <br /> 2 SAPFO and that is reflected in the charts on attachment 1 in the far right column. They <br /> 3 accept numbers as history, and if the Board of County Commissioners approves they <br /> 4 will develop figures for the future. He said SAPFO says to take these new numbers, <br /> 5 from November 15 and they take a look about 8 years back and then they develop 5 <br /> 6 projections for the future. He said they will average those 5 projections to come up with <br /> 7 what they think the membership will be in the future. They will use this as part of their <br /> 8 capital improvement program. The group that does this projection is the SAPFOTAC <br /> 9 (School of Adequate Public Facilities Technical Advisory Committee) and is made up of <br /> 10 staff members from local governments and school boards. This process will start with <br /> 11 the efforts tonight and will develop a 2013 School Public Facilities Report that will talk <br /> 12 about the projections and the needs for future schools. That report will be available as <br /> 13 capital improvement programs for the 2013/2014 budget are done. The purpose of <br /> 14 tonight is to accept what was received from the school boards and to begin the process <br /> 15 of creating that SAPFOTAC report. <br /> 16 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that this is just a formality. <br /> 17 Craig Benedict said that this is a formality at this stage. After the report is <br /> 18 created, it will be presented to the Commissioners and local governments and school <br /> 19 boards for feedback moving into early next year. He said that he had the agenda there <br /> 20 and noted that the commissioners had spoken to the school board about pre-K <br /> 21 enrollment. That is not reflected in the capacity numbers and is being discussed for <br /> 22 inclusion in the future. He also noted that there are impacts when you affect the <br /> 23 capacity numbers. <br /> 24 Commissioner Dorosin asked for clarification that the pre-k programs are not <br /> 25 counted now, but do exist in the schools, so they are taking up seats in the buildings. <br /> 26 Commissioner Jacobs asked for a summary for the public of what these <br /> 27 numbers tell us about capacity of the schools versus student membership. <br /> 28 Craig Benedict responded that the way SAPFO works is to add all of the <br /> 29 elementary schools capacity for a school district. All of the CHCCS capacities add up <br /> 30 to 5244 seats. (Reference attachment 2) The ordinance says that 105% of that <br /> 31 capacity number is what a reasonable number is before a new school is built. This <br /> 32 program lets them foresee three to four years in advance that they need to get started. <br /> 33 So for example, the Chapel Hill Schools' elementary schools capacity at 105% level <br /> 34 would be 5506. Looking at this year, there are 5543 students, which is 37 students <br /> 35 over the allowed number at 105%. He stated that this is not an issue this year, <br /> 36 because after seeing this coming a few years ago, they started construction on a new <br /> 37 school. He noted that enrollment has continued to rise irrespective of the recession. <br /> 38 There is a similar mathematical comparison at the middle and high school level. He <br /> 39 said that they do not look at individual school numbers, but look at the schools' <br /> 40 enrollment as a whole and leave it up to the school board to manage individual <br /> 41 inequities in enrollment at each school. <br /> 42 Chair Jacobs thanked Mr. Benedict for his summary. <br /> 43 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Price <br /> 44 to approve the November 15, 2012 membership and capacity numbers for both school <br /> 45 districts (Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools) which will be used in <br />