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ATTACHMENT B g <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date:�'�� „1�� <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 1 <br />SUBJECT: Whitted Building — Former Library Space Adaptive Re -use <br />DEPARTMENT: County Manager's Office, PUBLIC HEARING: (Y /N) No <br />Asset Management Services <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />A) Memo Dated February 6, 2012 <br />Regarding Whitted Building <br />B) Parking Analysis Illustratives <br />C) Floor Plan Scenarios <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Frank Clifton, 919 - 245 -2306 <br />Michael Talbert, 919 - 245 -2308 <br />Jeff Thompson, 919 - 245 -2658 <br />PURPOSE: To receive an overview of site and space planning information and to provide <br />guidance for the project. <br />BACKGROUND: Since the February 23, 2012 joint meeting between the BOCC and the <br />Hillsborough Town Board, staff has worked with the County's design consultant, Corley Redfoot <br />Architects, and a team of representatives of the Orange County Cultural Center ( "OCCC ") to <br />analyze the former library space within the Whitted building and develop schematic site and <br />floor plans that provide adequate facilities for the benefit of a variety of public meeting and event <br />uses. Attachment A, dated February 6, 2012, includes background and was previously provided <br />to the Board as an Information Item as part of the February 21, 2012 regular meeting agenda <br />prior to the joint meeting. <br />Staff has incorporated several guiding principles in its work: <br />1) Parking availability to meet the diverse needs of the flexible meeting spaces as well as <br />the recreation and other County functions on the site (Health, Dental and Housing, <br />Human Rights and Community Development). <br />2) The incorporation of all of the necessary requirements and functionality necessary for an <br />effective BOCC meeting space (egress, life safety requirements, acoustics, audio - visual <br />infrastructure, event setup flexibility, small meeting area availability, etc.); and <br />3) Space planning flexibility for other public uses (OCCC, Orange County Schools, public <br />and private events coordinated through the Orange County Visitor's Bureau, etc.); <br />The areas of focus for the Board are as follows: <br />1) Parking (Note Attachment B, "Parking Analysis Illustratives "): There are currently 219 <br />parking spaces available on the site, including 22 on- street parking spaces. Assuming <br />that the proposed meeting space and the recreational gym use is considered after hours <br />