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17 <br />13 <br />mandatory SIN policy for pets who are repeatedly found as strays and returned to their <br />owners. Plan: <br />i. Bob to see if he can track orange County Animal Services data back over last 5-10 <br />years to find out how many dogs and cats that have been returned to their owner more than once <br />have been SIN vs. sexually intact. <br />ii. Kris to make projected calculations regarding potential litters and impact of repeatedly <br />stray animals who are not SIN. <br />iii. All members of subcommittee to consider the pros and cons of these possible <br />program options: <br />a. owner pays a sterilization deposit which is refunded with proof of animal <br />sterilization within a given time frame. <br />b. Tiered recover rates for animals that are SIN vs. intact. <br />c. Charges for recovery, boarding, licensing, other penalties offset by agreement <br />to SIN pet prior to return to owner. <br />d. Requirement for mandatory SIN after specified number of recoveries at <br />shelter. <br />8. our next meeting will be determined at the general ASAB meeting on Wednesday, August 15. we'll <br />meet there at 6:15 pm. Minutes were respectfully submitted by Lynn white. <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Animal Services Advisory Board (.A.SAB) <br />Task Force on the Spaying and Neutering of Recovered Stray Animals <br />Tuesday, August 28, 2012 <br />Present: Lynn 'White (Chair), Kris Bergstrand, Bob Marotto, Aviva Scully <br />1. Agenda was unanimously adopted as presented. <br />2 Meeting minutes/summary from subcommittee meeting that took place on August 13, 2012 were <br />accepted and approved. <br />3. orange County Animal Services (OCAS) data summery by Bob (see attachments 1 and 2): From <br />2007 -2011, 182 cats were recovered by their owners, of these, 531182 (29 %) were reproductive, and <br />1291182 (71%) were sterilized. 1761182 (97 %) were recovered by their owners once, and of these, 521176 <br />(30 %) were reproductive and 1241176 (70 %) were sterilized. Six cats were recovered twice. of the six <br />cats, 516 (83 %) were sterilized and 116 (17 %) was reproductive. From 2007 -2011, 1620 dogs were <br />recovered by their owners. of these, 910/1620 (56 %) were reproductive, and 71 0/1620 (44 %) were <br />sterilized. 1494/1620 (92%) were recovered by their owners once, and of these, 85311494 (57 %) were <br />reproductive and 641/1494 (43 %) were sterilized. 9011620 dogs (6 %) were recovered twice, and of <br />these, 41190 (46 %) were reproductive and 49190 (54 %) were sterilized. 2211620 (1%) dogs were <br />recovered three times, and of these, 11122 (50 %) were reproductive and 11122 (50 %) were <br />sterilized. 911620 (0.5 %) dogs were recovered four times, and of these, 519 (56 %) were reproductive and <br />419 (44 %) were sterilized. Two dogs were recovered five times (both sterilized), two dogs were <br />recovered six times (both sterilized) and one dog was recovered seven tunes (sterilized). <br />4. Identified options were reviewed: <br />