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participate to the tune of$900,000. He likes what the attorney suggested regarding focusing on <br /> the sewer lines. <br /> Commissioner McKee thanked the members of the task force. He said that he does not <br /> see anything that cannot be worked out. He thinks that the sewer issue and the community <br /> center issue be disengaged. He said that one should not depend on the other, nor should any <br /> recommendation depend on another recommendation for the community center to move <br /> forward. He will continue to push that the community center be moved forward one way or the <br /> other. He said that he is determined that the County will build this center. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Pam Hemminger to answer the question about Habitat's <br /> participation. <br /> Pam Hemminger said that Habitat owns the property where the community center is <br /> supposed to be located and is dedicating property. There had to be a special use permit <br /> process for this to happen. This is one of the reasons that Habitat is involved. Habitat does not <br /> want to assume responsibility for long-term care and maintenance of the building. Habitat did <br /> offer to be the construction engineer/contractor for this building. This will be a lot less cost. She <br /> knows that there are legal issues to be worked out and these can be worked out. <br /> Chapel Hill Town Councilmember Ward voiced support for continuation of the task force. <br /> He asked that the charge be revised and updated to address the upcoming questions related to <br /> the remaining issues. He said that the task force is really good at having representatives of all <br /> elected bodies coming to meetings so that as the staff work through the issues, there is a venue <br /> where there can be updates, etc. Without the task force in place, it is cumbersome to get the <br /> approval information to the three elected boards. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she is struggling with the extension of the task force, especially <br /> when it comes to the community center. She does not want to hold things up. She would like to <br /> hear from staff about whether these things can be worked out. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the County Commissioners have made no explicit vote <br /> on whether or not to continue the task force. The Board implicitly agreed with its two <br /> representatives that it was worth continuing, but the Board no longer has any representatives on <br /> the task force (Pam Hemminger and Valerie Foushee are no longer on the Board). It is on the <br /> January 24th agenda for discussion on whether or not to appoint two new people or whether or <br /> not the task force has finished its work. <br /> Commissioner porosin made reference to the sewer issues. He said that these are <br /> fundamental policy issues that should be resolved and not by staff. He said that he remains <br /> committed to the idea that every resident in the Rogers Road Historic Neighborhood gets <br /> connected to the water and sewer at no cost. He said that he would like to decide now or soon <br /> that the boards are committed to funding the infrastructure mains and the connections from the <br /> mains to the meters at the very least at no cost to existing residents. He is concerned about the <br /> language about special assessments, loans, and sliding scales. He said that if they go down <br /> any of these paths, then it is a betrayal of the commitment made to this community. <br /> Commissioner Price said that she agreed with Commissioner porosin and she is <br /> committed to seeing the community center. She thinks that the task force needs to continue to <br /> meet. She thinks that the legal issues can be worked out. She agreed with separating the two <br /> issues so that the community center can be built as soon as possible. <br /> Alderman Johnson said the task force voted at their last meeting to continue the task <br /> force for six months. She said that one of the recommendations was for managers to meet and <br /> report back to them and they are waiting on that. She said that there are two community <br /> members on the task force, and if the task force no longer meets, then the community members <br /> are left out of the conversation. <br /> Council Member Pease said that they need to disentangle the two issues and say that <br /> the task force has finished phase I, whatever that is, and let the attorneys and managers work <br /> out the legal issues for the community center. He said that his fear of continuing the task force <br />