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There are several recommendations that have not been finalized and that is why the <br /> Task Force wants to continue to meet. The first is the community center. There needs to be a <br /> memorandum of understanding of how the center is going to operate, who will pay for it, who <br /> will construct it, who will occupy it, and what type of interlocal agreement or memorandum of <br /> understanding would be between the Towns, Habitat and the Rogers Road Neighborhood <br /> Association for the operation and the program/activities to be provided. <br /> The second item is the sewer district. The managers suggested that there be a Rogers <br /> Road County Sewer District. There are a lot of details to be worked out with that. The <br /> recommendation is that the managers continue to work on this issue and participate with the <br /> Towns and OWASA to study this idea. The managers could work with the attorneys to create <br /> criteria that would enable homeowners that have lived in the Historic Rogers Road <br /> Neighborhood before 1972 to connect from the sewer system free of charge and recommend a <br /> sliding scale fee structure for homeowners that moved to the neighborhood between 1972 and <br /> 2012. <br /> Attachments D and E have attorney opinions. There are many legal issues yet to be <br /> worked out over multi-jurisdictional lines. <br /> Chair of the Task Force Pam Hemminger said that the task force was determined to <br /> finish its work as soon as possible. She hopes that the County will approve starting the drafting <br /> of the Memorandum of Understanding between the County, the Towns, and Habitat. There are <br /> lots of different options still to be considered and lots of information still to be pulled together. <br /> This is why the task force wants to continue to meet. <br /> Aldermen Gist said that there have been several memos from their attorney in the past <br /> couple of weeks. She asked if he would be willing to share about the latest memo. <br /> Town of Carrboro Attorney Mike Brough said that, with respect to the community center, <br /> the issues that he raised had to do with the role of Habitat. He said that there would have to be <br /> a bidding process and it was not clear to him how there would be a bidding process. Habitat is <br /> not going to be constructing the center and it is his understanding that the County would <br /> continue to own the center. He said that there are a lot of details that remain unclear to him. <br /> The other issue that he expressed to the Carrboro Board of Aldermen is the ongoing operation <br /> and maintenance of the center. He understands that the intent of the County is that whatever <br /> funds are distributed are not considered to be ongoing. He suggested that some consideration <br /> be given to this. His recommendation is that the Board considers whether the planning should <br /> be directed solely to the sewer project as opposed to the community center. If all three bodies <br /> are operating the community center there are issues about the programs, etc. The memo is <br /> shown below: <br /> Memorandum to: Carrboro Mayor and Board of Aldermen <br /> From: Mike Brough <br /> Subject: Rogers Road Proposals <br /> Date: November 7, 2012 <br /> "County Attorney John Roberts, Chapel Hill Attorney Ralph Karpinos, and I met <br /> November 6th to discuss the managers' October 16, 2012 recommendations for constructing a <br /> Community Center to service the Rogers road area and to extend sewer lines into this area. <br /> We also discussed Mark Dorosin's October 23, 2012 letter recommending that, not only should <br /> sewer lines be extended into this area, but that homes should be connected to the sewer lines <br /> at public expense. We agreed on the conclusions set forth below in paragraphs 1-5. The <br />