Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> c. Property Tax Releases <br /> The Board adopted a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to release property <br /> values for seventy-three (73) taxpayer requests that will result in a reduction of revenue in <br /> accordance with North Carolina General Statute 105-381. <br /> d. Applications for Property Tax Exemption/Exclusion <br /> The Board approved thirteen (13) untimely applications for exemption/exclusion from ad <br /> valorem taxation for the 2012 tax year. <br /> e. Request for Proposals (RFP) Awards — Library Automation <br /> The Board awarded two RFP's for the following Radio Frequency Identification System <br /> (RFID) from Bibliotheca, Inc. of Norcross, Georgia at a cost of$58,220.69; and Integrated <br /> Library System (ILS) from Innovative Interfaces, Inc. of Emeryville, California at a cost of <br /> $138,505 and authorize the Manager to sign the contracts on behalf of the Board subject <br /> to final review by staff and the County Attorney. <br /> f. Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Amendment <br /> Schedule for February 2013 Joint Quarterly Public Hearinq — Site Plan Submittal for <br /> Proiects Requirinq Stormwater Review <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> g_ Burlinqton-Graham Metropolitan Planninq Orqanization Memorandum of <br /> Understandinq Addinq Oranqe County as a Votinq Member <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> h. Specific Policies for Board of County Commissioner Advisory Boards <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> i. Report on Library Interoperability <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> i Chanqe in BOCC Reqular Meetinq Schedule for 2013 <br /> The Board changed the location of the BOCC Annual Retreat, which is scheduled for <br /> Friday, February 1, 2013 FROM Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead <br /> Road, Chapel Hill TO the Solid Waste Administrative Offices, 1207 Eubanks Road, <br /> Chapel Hill. <br /> 6. Public Hearinqs <br /> a. Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendments (Closure & Action <br /> Hearinq) — Solar Arrays <br /> The Board received the Planning Board's recommendation, closed the public hearing, <br /> and considered a decision on Planning Director initiated text amendments to the Unified <br /> Development Ordinance (UDO) regarding the review and permitting of solar arrays. <br /> Planner Michael Harvey reviewed this item. Attachment 2 establishes the standards for <br /> the array. The accessory use of the solar array is limited to 20 kilowatts. Anything over this <br /> would be reviewed by the Board of Adjustment as a Class B Special Use Permit. Anything <br /> over 100 kilowatts will be reviewed by the County Commissioners as a Class A Special Use <br /> Permit with a public utility. The Planning Board recommended unanimous approval with minor <br /> modifications, which are in the packet. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked Michael Harvey to summarize the reasoning behind doing <br /> 10 kilowatts. Michael Harvey said that this is based on NC Green Power and Piedmont <br />