Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> Town of Chapel Hill and 14% for the Town of Carrboro. Funding to reimburse the County will <br /> begin in Fiscal 2013/14. <br /> c. That the details of the construction of a Community Center will be referred back to the <br /> Managers for coordination and a report to the Task Force and/or the governing bodies. <br /> Second Phase <br /> 2. That the Managers continue to work on a solution to provide Sewer Infrastructure to the <br /> Rogers Road Neighborhood including priority and funding options. At this time discussions are <br /> continuing as to how to advance and fund that effort. <br /> a. That the County and the Town of Chapel Hill recommend that Orange County will petition <br /> the Town of Chapel Hill to annex all County owned property (that is located in Chapel Hill's <br /> ETJ) in the Rogers Road Neighborhood, including the jointly owned Greene Tract, This action <br /> would alleviate legal concerns from the Town of Chapel Hill attorney. <br /> b. The Managers recommend that Habitat petition the Town of Chapel Hill to annex the 2 lots <br /> in the Phoenix Place subdivision, provided by Habitat for the construction of a Rogers Road <br /> Neighborhood Community Center. <br /> c. That the 104 acre jointly owned Greene Tract be considered for development, that would <br /> include a future school site (10 to 12 acres), and the remainder of the site be considered for <br /> workforce/affordable housing, with all proceeds from the sale or lease of the land for <br /> development, including funding from the County for a future school site, to be used to fund <br /> sewer in the Rogers Road Neighborhood. Such development of workforce housing is <br /> consistent with the Chapel Hill 2020 Comprehensive Plan. While there is no formal agreement <br /> on how the Greene Tract will be used, a concept plan was introduced in 2002. <br /> Collectively all governing boards will have to approve any future plans for the Greene Tract. <br /> 3. That the Task Force investigate the creation of County Sewer District for all property owners <br /> in the Rogers Road Neighborhood and adjoining neighborhoods that are not currently served <br /> by a municipal sewer system and would benefit from the installation of sewer infrastructure to <br /> serve the Rogers Road Neighborhood. <br /> a. Territory lying within the corporate limits of a city or town may not be included in the district <br /> unless the governing body of the city or town agrees by resolution to such inclusion. <br /> b. The County would propose to contract with OWASA for the actual operation of the sewer <br /> system, which would provide an opportunity for a different rate structure for this district. <br /> c. A County Sewer District could make special assessments against benefited property within <br /> the district to cover the costs of constructing, extending or improving sewage disposal system. <br /> The basis of any special assessment would be determined at a later date after investigating <br /> development potential and the number of possible dwelling units (the Managers of Chapel Hill <br /> and Carrboro are instructing the planning staff to begin this evaluation). A special assessment <br /> would share the costs of the sewer system with current benefited property (homeowners) and <br /> undeveloped land for future development. <br />