Orange County NC Website
E. "When" <br />23 <br />F-1 Attach a detailed and realistic timetable showing when each work task will be completed (e.g., <br />planning; obtaining financial commitments; design; environmental review; bidding; loan closing; key <br />milestones in construction; marketing; final inspection; occupancy; etc.) <br />a. For CDBG- funded proiects: <br />i. For large -scale projects receiving funding for infrastructure /site improvements, your <br />timetable should reflect an expectation of completing construction by December 2015. <br />ii. Non - construction projects should be completed by June 30, 2014. <br />b. For HOME - funded proiects: <br />i. The project must be completed by June 2016. <br />F. Project Details <br />Please provide the information requested below (please add additional lines where necessary). If the <br />question if not applicable or no information is available, insert N /A. <br />2. Property Acquisition. <br />a. Has your agency acquired real property in order to carry out the project, or is property <br />acquisition planned? <br />b. Has the property owner been informed of your intention to use federal funds for this project? If <br />so, attach letter. (Sample property acquisition letters are available from Town or County staff.) <br />c. Is the property currently occupied? If so, attach a description of your plan to relocate tenants in <br />accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. (Contact Town or County staff if your agency has <br />questions about the URA.) <br />3. Construction Detail. <br />a. How many units will be newly constructed? <br />b. How many units will be rehabilitated? <br />c. What is the square footage of each unit? <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />