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the area. Several policy areas are listed, including architectural details. <br />01 <br />Because the same types of concerns pertained to the area covered by the <br />existing ECOD, the ECOD regulations also contain many of the same <br />restrictions as those proposed for the two new overlay districts. In fact, <br />most of the proposed requirements come directly from the requirements for <br />ECOD or from existing requirements for economic development districts <br />(see, for instance, existing Section 6.5 of the UDO). <br />Determinations on proposed designs are made during the site plan review <br />process when a project is proposed, which is in keeping with the existing <br />processes (See Section 6.5.1(C) for existing requirements). <br />3. A BOCC member questioned the prohibition against drive - throughs in the <br />proposed Efland Village Overlay District. <br />Staff Response: The existing ECOD also prohibits drive- throughs (See <br />UDO Section 6.6.2(G)(1)(b)). This prohibition along Highway 70 and in the <br />"Village Core" (currently under consideration) was seen as an important <br />issue by the EMSAP Implementation Focus Group in preserving <br />community character in this geographic area. The proposed Efland <br />Interstate Overlay District does not prohibit drive- throughs. <br />4. A BOCC member asked about the proposed "tick" for a Special Zoning <br />Overlay District in the 20 -Year Transition land use classification in the <br />Land Use and Zoning Matrix of the Comprehensive Plan. The member <br />suggested that the "tick" not be included for the 20 -Year Transition <br />classification since the classification is residential in nature and instead the <br />Comprehensive Plan be purposefully amended in the future if necessary. <br />Staff Response: If the BOCC desires, the "tick" can be removed from the <br />20 -Year Transition classification in the matrix. Staff was proposing it be <br />included since many of the 20 -Year Transition areas are "Primary Service <br />Areas" for water and sewer service and in case water and sewer <br />planning /engineering require the use of a special zoning overlay district, <br />the ability to employ this type of zoning technique would already be <br />established. <br />The Planning Board was asked by staff to make a specific <br />recommendation on this point at its December 5, 2012 meeting. After <br />discussion, the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend that <br />the "tick" be retained as presented in the public hearing materials. <br />5. A BOCC member asked about the "internal pedestrian circulation system" <br />and whether a pedestrian system would be required in the Efland Village <br />Overlay District on a large multi - family project. (The proposed Efland <br />Interstate Overlay Districts is written to require an internal pedestrian <br />circulation system on large projects. "Large" is defined in the text.) <br />5 <br />