Orange County NC Website
Second, a motion was made by Commissioner Mark Dorosin and seconded by Commissioner <br />Renee Price: <br />To continue the Task Force for six (6) months; <br />To have the Task Force consider the final costs, provision and installation of water and <br />sewer utility extensions preferably at no cost for members of the Historic Rogers Road <br />community; <br />Consider options to address gentrification; <br /> To consider Chapel Hill’s most recent Small Area Plan; <br />Consider funding options, including the Greene Tract. <br />The motion was approved with a vote of 5 to 2. <br />At the January 29, 2013 work session, the Board approved Commissioners Rich and Price to <br />serve as the County’smembers on the continued Task Force over the next six months. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: <br />The financial impact of funding improvements in the Historic Rogers <br />Road Community is uncertain until direction isprovided by the Board. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): <br />The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1. Request that the Towns appoint Task Force Members; <br />2.Confirm the appointment ofCommissioners Rich and Price as the County’s members <br />onthe Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood Task Force; <br />3. Appoint David Caldwell and Robert Campbell from the Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood <br />Association to the Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood Task Force; and <br />4.Confirm the Charge and aTimelinefor the Task Force. <br />