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11 <br />athletics, and funding formulas. Any such student, while attending the Alamance County <br />School system, shall be considered a resident of Alamance County for all public school <br />purposes, including transportation, athletics, and funding formulas. Notice must be given to all <br />affected school systems by the parent or guardian in order to exercise the privilege granted by <br />this section. <br />SECTION 7. The establishment of a county boundary line is, pursuant to Section 1 <br />of Article VII of the North Carolina Constitution, the sole responsibility of the General <br />Assembly. Further, it is vital to the State of North Carolina and all affected local governments <br />that county boundary lines be fixed and any uncertainty as to the location of county boundary <br />lines be resolved. For this reason and in the interest of justice, neither Alamance County nor <br />Orange County, nor any agent, employee, or appointed or elected official thereof, shall be <br />liable to any individual, group, organization, for - profit or not - for - profit business entity of any <br />kind, governmental entity or agency of any type or kind for any damages, costs, fees, or fines, <br />and or court action shall be maintained against said counties, officials, employees, and agents <br />for any recommendation, act, failure to act, or conduct related to S. L. 2010 -61, S.L. 2011 -88, <br />or this act and /or the adoption of a fixed boundary line separating the two counties. Except as <br />set out in Section 5 of this act, and effective upon this act becoming law, Alamance County and <br />Orange County, their officials, employees, and agents are released from all liability for any <br />claims made, and no court action shall be maintained against said officials, employees, and <br />agents for any act or failure to act pursuant to the terms of this act, S.L. 2011 -88, or S.L. <br />2010 -61, and no further relief shall be granted or cause of action sustained except as provided <br />herein. <br />SECTION 8. Should any provision of S.L. 2010 -61, as amended by S.L. 2011 -88, <br />conflict with any provision of this act, the provisions of this act shall control. Should any line <br />marking the area of the nine percent (9 %) reflected in the surveys referenced herein conflict <br />with any line shown on the surveys describing the area of the ninety -one percent (91%), the <br />surveys marking the area of the nine percent (9 %) shall control. <br />SECTION 9. Pursuant to Section 1 of Article VII of the North Carolina <br />Constitution, any boundary line between Alamance County and Orange County previously <br />surveyed, recognized, adopted, described, utilized, or ratified, save and except the ninety -one <br />percent (91%) of the boundary line adopted by S.L. 2011 -88, is modified as set forth herein <br />upon ratification of this act. <br />SECTION 10. Pursuant to Section 1 of Article VII of the North Carolina <br />Constitution, the official boundary line regarding the remaining nine percent (9 %) of the line <br />separating Alamance County and Orange County, as recommended by the Alamance County <br />Board of Commissioners at its meeting of December 6, 2010, and the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners at its meeting of December 14, 2010, is hereby formally recognized and <br />adopted by the General Assembly. <br />SECTION 11. Upon adoption, the survey plats reflecting the boundary line shall <br />be filed with the Alamance County Register of Deeds, with the Orange County Register of <br />Deeds, and in the office of the Secretary of State as provided in G.S. 153A- 18(a). <br />SECTION 12. This act is effective when it becomes law. <br />In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 28th day of June, <br />2012. <br />s/ Walter H. Dalton <br />President of the Senate <br />s/ Thom Tillis <br />Speaker of the Douse of Representatives <br />Page 4 Session Law 2012 -108 Douse Bill 1090 <br />