Agenda - 02-05-2013 - 4b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-05-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-05-2013 - 4b
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Last modified
5/26/2015 10:56:16 AM
Creation date
2/1/2013 2:50:10 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 02-05-2013
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2013
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Attachment #2 <br />E:] <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING A DROUGHT RESPONSE OPERATING PROTOCOL <br />WHEREAS, OWASA is responsible for providing current and future customers with a <br />reliable, sustainable, and cost - effective supply of high quality drinking water at all times and is <br />committed to making the highest and best use of our local water resources; and <br />WHEREAS, OWASA's role with respect to growth is explicitly addressed in its Mission <br />Statement: "We will manage our responsibilities in a manner consistent and compatible with the <br />adopted growth management policies and land use plans of the Town of Carrboro, the Town of <br />Chapel Hill, and Orange County "; and <br />WHEREAS, OWASA's water use efficiency, conservation, and reclaimed water programs, <br />which are key components of its sustainable resource management strategy, have successfully and <br />consistently reduced water consumption during the past ten years among all customer groups; and <br />WHEREAS, notwithstanding these significant community -wide achievements in water use <br />reduction, OWASA's University Lake, Cane Creek, and Quarry Reservoir supplies will be <br />increasingly susceptible to shortages during extended periods of severe drought, especially until the <br />expanded Quarry Reservoir is available in the mid 2030s; and <br />WHEREAS, it is OWASA's duty to proactively plan and prepare for water supply shortages <br />due to extended periods of severe drought; and <br />WHEREAS, OWASA's Water Shortage Response Plan (November 11, 2010), as approved <br />by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, includes Response Triggers for a range of <br />supply and demand conditions and describes the actions that OWASA will take during periods of <br />water shortages; and <br />WHEREAS, community members and elected officials from Carrboro and Chapel Hill have <br />requested clarification of the procedures and criteria that OWASA will use for making water supply <br />and demand management decisions during extended periods of severe drought, including provisions <br />to assure prompt and complete public notice of potential Water Supply Shortage declarations, water <br />purchases, and /or the use of OWASA's Jordan Lake water supply storage allocation. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF <br />ORANGE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY THAT: <br />OWASA shall use the Drought Response Operating Protocol text and graph attached hereto <br />as its procedures and criteria for making water supply and demand management decisions during <br />periods of extended drought, including provisions for public notice of potential Water Supply <br />Shortage declarations, water purchases, and /or use of OWASA's Jordan Lake water supply storage <br />allocation. <br />Adopted this 10th day of January 2013. <br />Alan . Rimer, P.E., Chair <br />ATTEST: <br />�I <br />Amy W4sil, Secretary <br />
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