Orange County NC Website
Chair Barry Jacobs <br />January 17, 2013 <br />Page 3 <br />after it has declared a Stage 1 Water Supply Shortage per OWASA's State - <br />approved Water Shortage Response Plan and OWASA's Water Conservation <br />Standards as incorporated therein. " <br />Historic Ropers Road (Wafer /Sewer) <br />OWASA staff has provided technical information on water /sewer issues as requested by County <br />staff. Working within the parameters of the State Statutes, our policies and founding <br />agreements, we will continue to support this important initiative as requested by County staff.. <br />Mountains -To -Sea Trail <br />In response to the County's inquiry, the OWASA Board expressed support (Attachment #3) for <br />this County -led initiative. Our position remains unchanged and we think the benefits to the <br />citizens of the County and State exceed the manageable security and water quality risks that <br />OWASA will assume if the initiative goes forward. <br />Forestry Management <br />Pursuant to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission's (WRC) forestry management <br />plan for OWASA's 490 -acre Cane Creek Wildlife Mitigation Tract, 25 acres of declining quality <br />Virginia pine were clear -cut, and 25 acres of hardwood forest were thinned during the fall of <br />2010. The 25 -acre clear -cut was replanted with loblolly pines in January 2011. All management <br />activities were conducted according to forestry management best practices; however, we left <br />substantially larger (and completely undisturbed) water quality buffer areas than required by <br />current regulations. We will continue the phased implementation of the WRC's plan on this <br />property in the coming years in compliance with conditions of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers <br />404 Permit that allowed construction of the Cane Creek Reservoir. <br />Upon the recommendation and guidance of the WRC and North Carolina Forest Service, <br />OWASA also commissioned development of a draft plan for sustainable management of our <br />remaining forest lands (about 1,900 acres). We hosted a community meeting in November 2010 <br />to present and receive comments on the draft plan prepared by our consulting forester, and we <br />received extensive comments from citizens, local elected boards, and several State agencies. We <br />have deferred action on the draft plan to address higher priority matters. <br />Communications <br />We are very pleased that newly elected Commissioners Dorosin, Price and Rich met with us on <br />January 11, 2013 for an overview of our operation and to discuss items of mutual interest. <br />We welcome the opportunity to meet with the Commissioners to keep you informed about our <br />work and to receive your feedback. Please let us know if you would like additional information <br />on any of the above topics or information regarding other issues or aspects of our operation. <br />C1 <br />