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Chair Pelissier made reference to the correspondence from HYAA (yellow sheet). <br /> Dave Stancil said that the Board asked staff during the budget work sessions to <br /> reengage HYAA. There have been conversations in the past about the use of ball fields, etc. <br /> since 2010. One of the stumbling blocks was the usage fees for the fields and to look at the <br /> cost and benefits. Staff did reengage with HYAA and created a draft agreement, which is <br /> based on the farmer's market agreement. <br /> The basics of the agreement include a lease of three fields at Northern Human <br /> Services Center, limited use of the one field at Fairview Park, and usage time and dates. He <br /> said that there is some opt out verbiage. The discussion did not include field lighting, which <br /> would be billed per usage. There is a memo from HYAA about this. Regarding concessions, it <br /> would cost the County more to operate concessions than the revenue made, so a third party <br /> vendor is being considered. The proposed agreement is for $3,000 a year. The HYAA <br /> proposal was for $1,000. The agreement is for one year to start and the renewal process <br /> could begin in the summer. <br /> Dave Stancil continued to review provisions within the agreement. <br /> Dave Stancil said that there is a staff inemo in the packet after the agreement to review <br /> the pros and cons of an agreement with HYAA. The fields need to be used and this provides a <br /> public good. He said that this would not compete with any existing County programs. <br /> Dave Stancil said that they would like to develop an evaluation template for this <br /> agreement and for future agreements. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that this organization serves many kids (around 900) and <br /> that provides a service that the County no longer provides. He thanked Dave Stancil for <br /> working toward an agreement with HYAA. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested giving the HYAA representatives a chance to address <br /> the points. Chair Pelissier said that she would allow it. <br /> Jessica Adams, President of HYAA, said that from their perspective they have had an <br /> organization since the 1970's and every year they are turning kids away. They do not pay <br /> anything for the town's fields or the exchange club or Schley fields. They now need more <br /> fields because of the number of kids that want to play ball and they do not want to turn anyone <br /> away for being unable to pay. HYAA gives over $3,000 in scholarships a year. No child is <br /> ever told that they cannot play ball. She said that this would be a great collaboration. <br /> Jessica Adams reiterated that HYAA is a non-profit organization. <br /> Frank Clifton said that there is a scholarship fund through DSS for kids that may not be <br /> able to pay. <br /> Jessica Adams said that it is their understanding that the process is too lengthy for <br /> these funds and thus it is easier for the kids to come to HYAA for a scholarship. <br /> Frank Clifton said that he would follow up on this. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Frank Clifton or Dave Stancil to arrange a meeting with <br /> DSS and HYAA officials to address the scholarship issue. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked why the fields are not being used now. <br /> Dave Stancil said that the County stopped running little league two years ago because <br /> of the low numbers to support the programs. He said that when the County in 2005 jumped in <br /> and started doing baseball, that was competition with HYAA. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if people could use the fields for pickup games and Dave <br /> Stancil said yes. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the equity issue with other non-profits that want to <br /> use the County's facilities. She said that this is basically subsidizing HYAA for $10,000. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that they should remember that these fields were built with <br /> taxpayer funds and the fields should be available for anyone regardless. He supports the fee <br />