Orange County NC Website
Kathy Andrews read a prepared statement: <br /> "Fellow Citizens and Commissioners, <br /> "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are <br /> endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, <br /> and the Pursuit of Happiness —" The Pursuit of Happiness —the word, happiness, in the <br /> 1700's came from the word `happenstance' which simply meant the traits or abilities, or `gifts', if <br /> you will, each of us are born with. So the Pursuit of Happiness translates more accurately to <br /> the use of your talents to make your way in life. <br /> Knowing this, all people have talents to offer that make our country the unique and <br /> prosperous identity it is. We are not oppressed by dictators or rulers, czars or shahs, who <br /> force their will upon us. We stand to occasions and find answers. Unfortunately, we have <br /> public servants here in Orange County that see this view differently. <br /> Seemingly, everyone has heard of UN Agenda 21, Sustainable Development. It is <br /> presented to us as a good and wholesome idea for our future. In fact, that is quite the <br /> opposite. Agenda 21 seeks to remove the right to own property as well as to control every <br /> aspect of our lives. It is happening under our own watchful eyes by calling it something else. <br /> Something beautiful. Conjuring idyllic dreams. A mask, if you will. Right here, in Orange <br /> County and many other North Carolina cities the program is well underway. <br /> The Mountains to Sea Trail is the portion of Agenda 21 to control the water. When <br /> water and food production are controlled, we become slaves to the controller. Are you aware <br /> that when the county takes control of the water on private property you are banned from using <br /> it? It is most often fenced off from you and all that might want to purchase it in the future. Are <br /> you aware brokers have approached private citizens to purchase their streams in Northern <br /> Orange County? Why that area for the trail? Are you aware farmers have been presented <br /> options to purchase the right to the water on their land, which then allows the county to control <br /> all uses of the land? The first step in this water control is happening right before us in the <br /> name of `Sustainable Development'. <br /> The reality is loss of personal property. Property owners are forced to care for that <br /> land, as dictated by the commissioners, with fines being imposed for non-compliance. <br /> Imagine, fining you for not doing work on the land they now control. These fines typically end <br /> in default and acquisition of the rest of the property as the owner sells a portion because of <br /> monetary need. Within a matter of years the county will own the land. Property rights are <br /> gone. The Mountain to Sea Trail is a green mask, the `wolf in sheep's clothing'. The wolf does <br /> not remove the costume until he captures the sheep. <br /> Though I am not directly affected by a waterway on my property, I am affected, as is <br /> every citizen of Orange County by the water restrictions to be imposed in the future and the <br /> goals this project sets for our future way of life. Please wake up. <br /> Kathleen Andrews, resident of Orange County" <br /> Mary Carter is a resident of Hillsborough. She said that the citizens are dealing <br /> with a lack of transparency. She said that this is charging forward regardless of the cost <br />