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Tax Administrator Dwane Brinson said that this is the first time they have given this <br /> report. He said that this is an internal report. He walked the Board of County Commissioners <br /> through the report. For subsequent meetings, this item will be under Information Items. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger suggested on the second part of the report to have the title <br /> and the year. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that it would be helpful to include how many wage garnishments <br /> there were in years before compared to this year. <br /> 9. County Manaqer's Report <br /> Frank Clifton made reference to the railroad crossing closures and said that a lot of <br /> them were identified nine years ago and then it was updated in 2009. The copy of the report is <br /> online. <br /> He said that DOT has notified that it will be doing some work on the bridge on Churton <br /> Street in Hillsborough. <br /> 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> NONE <br /> 11. Appointments <br /> a. Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee —Appointment <br /> The Board considered making an appointment to the Adult Care Home Community <br /> Advisory Committee. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Gordon <br /> to appoint Dr. Anthony John Voight to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee <br /> in an At— Large position with a term ending 10/30/13. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Affordable Housinq Advisory Board —Appointments <br /> The Board considered making appointments to the Affordable Housing Advisory Board. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs <br /> to appoint Teri Driscoll (with a term ending 9/30/13), and Andrew Shannon, Jr., Dee Jackola, <br /> and Christopher Wehrman to the Affordable Housing Advisory Board with terms ending <br /> 6/30/15. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Hillsborouqh Planninq Board —Appointment <br /> The Board considered making an appointment to the Hillsborough Planning Board. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Gordon <br /> to appoint John Bemis to a second term to the Hillsborough Planning Board, with a term <br /> ending 10/31/2015. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he has brought this up before but he would like to have <br /> some sort of annual written report/comments from our appointee to this board and to other <br /> governmental boards like this one so that the County Commissioners can know what the <br /> appointee is doing and what the important issues are. <br /> d. Oranqe County Parks and Recreation Council —Appointment <br />