Orange County NC Website
Fuel Scorecard(table) <br /> Current Year Initiatives <br /> �i Continued growth in geo-thermal — downtown Hillsborough <br /> �i Building control improvements <br /> �i Continued lighting improvements <br /> �i Sale/retirement of older facilities <br /> �i Asset improvements (roofs, doors, windows, solar film, vehicles) <br /> �i Employee education and outreach <br /> For More Information: <br /> Orange County Utility and Fuel Use and Conservation Initiatives -Inaugural Report <br /> located at: <br /> http://oranqecountync.qov/AssetMqmt/documents/AttachmentA- <br /> Conservation Report-final.pdf <br /> Commissioner Gordon suggested doing a press release that highlights important things in <br /> each of these areas for solid waste, especially the solid waste reduction achieved by Orange <br /> County. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 33 and the new forest management plans. <br /> He asked Dave Stancil about this. <br /> Dave Stancil said that there is a land management team that drives how to handle forest <br /> management. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to asset improvement and addressing <br /> handicapped accessibility. He said that the Link Center is not handicapped accessible and he <br /> does not know how much more will be done to improve this building. He asked if there was an <br /> aggressive plan. <br /> Frank Clifton said that there was going to be a meeting space in the Link Center but now <br /> there is not. In each capital project, there are different priorities. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the Link Center is a priority. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that it would be good to share the solid waste goals and <br /> results at the Assembly of Governments meeting. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger made reference to asset management and asked if the County <br /> could put in low flow toilets in all facilities. <br /> Jeff Thompson said that when they renovate buildings, they will be putting in low flow <br /> toilets. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked about a sustainability report and suggested putting it online and an <br /> abbreviated version to the media. <br /> b. Tax Collector's Monthly Report <br /> The Board received a monthly report showing the amount collected on each year's <br /> taxes charged during settlement, remaining uncollected, and steps being taken to collect the <br /> uncollected amount. <br />