Orange County NC Website
The Chair dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br /> 2. Public Comments (Limited to One Hour) <br /> a. Matters not on the Printed Aqenda <br /> Don O'Leary said that he started an observation that took place on September <br /> 18th at the last meeting. He said that the way in which the County Commissioners <br /> conduct meetings is appalling. He said that the County Commissioners waste time <br /> constantly repeating themselves. He said that many people wanted to speak about their <br /> property and not enough time was given for them to speak but plenty of time was given <br /> to the presentation. He spoke about the County's involvement in ICLEI and stated that it <br /> was evil. <br /> Ann Charles read a prepared statement: <br /> "I'm Ann Charles. I own the property adjacent to Cane Creek Reservoir and <br /> OWASA property at the top of Mt. Mitchell Road. Cane Creek community is <br /> disappointed with our neighbor, OWASA, who failed to notify us of flagging their <br /> property lines in the interest of working with MST staff in placing trails. We had NO <br /> I D EA. <br /> I personally knew the creator of the Mountains to Sea Trail (MTST), Dr. Allen <br /> DeHart. An amazing naturalist, Allen DeHart surely wanted this state to be seen for all <br /> its beauty. However, it would not be his intention for any part of the MTST to be inflicted <br /> on anyone nor on their community. <br /> Having been raised in the Quaker tradition, I try to see things from a broad <br /> perspective. I can fairly state: I have two minds about this issue: <br /> 1) First, I would like to see the MTST totally eliminated from every passing <br /> through the Cane Creek Watershed and its surrounding rural neighborhoods. <br /> Why, because we purchased our property in this location for the quiet and <br /> remoteness it affords. We pay our property taxes and feel no obligation to <br /> provide those who do not live here with the very thing which hastened us to <br /> choose this location and lifestyle. <br /> But then my other mind says.... <br /> 2) I believe in a win-win solution being found for the MTST as I too think the trail <br /> is `good' in the proper location. I suggest the County work with Bingham <br /> Township to create a rural park to allow for an outdoor/rural experience <br /> versus putting trails through a PRIVATE COMMUNITY with its own covenants <br /> for care. <br /> My deepest concern is for safety and privacy. There'll be increased threats and <br /> increased insurance fees from fire with no `real' way to manage fire out on the trail when <br /> hikers decide to start a little fire for fun/ambiance or goodness knows maybe smoking a <br /> cigarette. There'll be increased threats from break-ins to homes and vehicles because <br /> of its easy access from the trail. Cane Creek, Thunder Mountain homeowners won't <br /> know who has just wandered off the trail or who's scoping their place out to hit now or <br /> later. Homeowners' schedules can be determined more easily. Having the trail near <br /> homes presents a problem or folks' privacy due to `peeping' into homes through <br /> uncovered windows because we have no reason to block them. Goodness knows, I <br /> wouldn't let my grandson play in the yard unsupervised with a trail there. Problems arise <br />