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She recognized Joyce Kuhn, Pretrial Administrator. She said that this is a very valuable <br /> function for Orange County. <br /> Joyce Kuhn spoke about the services that Pretrial provides to Orange County. <br /> Frank Clifton said that one point of clarification is that the legislature has helped fund <br /> this service in the past but no longer wants to do that, which is why this is coming forth now. <br /> He said that he and Judge Buckner talked about the possibility about some sort of fee <br /> structure for this service for the future but for now they are asking the County to fund this <br /> service. He would also like to talk to Chatham County about increasing its cost-sharing. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he had petitioned that the County look at alternatives in <br /> a holistic context. He urged the Board that the timeline for dealing with the people programs <br /> occurs no later than the planning of the structure so that there can be a fair and effective <br /> criminal justice system. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to #3 in the recommendation, "Direct staff to <br /> review and strengthen subsequent performance agreements to ensure Orange County <br /> investment is strictly applied to Orange County outcomes and consider alternative options to <br /> current operations to help offset local costs associated with these services." She asked about <br /> the information in Attachment 1 from the Budget and Management Analyst. She read from the <br /> last paragraph, "Therefore, at the current funding level, Orange County is essentially <br /> subsidizing the Chatham County cases, albeit indirectly." She said that it sounds like this <br /> program is administered for the two counties and asked how this would happen if Chatham <br /> County does not provide enough funds. <br /> Joyce Kuhn said that program activity is how they form their request for funding - 30% <br /> for Chatham and 70% for Orange County. <br /> Frank Clifton suggested having an MOU with Orange County and Chatham County. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz <br /> to approve an increased funding to Pretrial Services in the amount of$40,000 for FY2012-13; <br /> direct staff to bring back a budget amendment to appropriate the increased allocation; and <br /> direct staff to review and strengthen subsequent performance agreements to ensure Orange <br /> County investment is strictly applied to Orange County outcomes and consider alternative <br /> options to current operations to help offset local costs associated with these services. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the improvements in the Battle Courtroom. <br /> District Attorney Jim Woodall said that they are in the process of working on this and <br /> they are at the point of looking at audiovisual equipment for the courtroom. <br /> Michael Talbert said that the main thing for the courtroom is to update it electronically. <br /> This will cost about $90,000. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked about the status of wi-fi at the courthouse and Assistant <br /> County Manager Clarence Grier said that the County just signed a contract to provide wi-fi to <br /> the courthouse two weeks ago. <br /> d. North Carolina State Clearinqhouse Request for Interqovernmental Review <br /> of Proposed Private Crossinq Closures with the North Carolina Railroad (NCRR)/Norfolk <br /> Southern (NS) Railway <br /> The Board received information on the North Carolina Department of Transportation <br /> (NCDOT) proposal to close private North Carolina Railroad (NCRR)/Norfolk Southern (NS) <br /> Railway crossings at Gordon Thomas Drive, Greenbriar Drive and Byrdsville Road in Orange <br /> County, and considered a letter submitting scoping comments related to the project. <br />