Orange County NC Website
o Up to 17 meetings <br /> o Reeommended adjustment to projeet budget <br /> - Application Fees <br /> o Goncept Plan & Special Use Permit Modification estimate $11Q,QQQ <br /> Next Steps <br /> - B�GG Approval of Master Plan <br /> - Submission of Goncept Plan Application to Town of Ghapel Hill <br /> - Submission of Speeial Use Permit Modification to Town of Ghapel Hill <br /> Roger Waldon said that they are ready to submit to Chapel Hill the concept plan and <br /> they can do it tomorrow since it is one of Chapel Hill's deadline dates for concept plans. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the last bullet has the Chair talking with the Mayor about the fees <br /> for this process. Also, this topic will be one of the items to discuss at the joint meeting with the <br /> Town of Chapel Hill in 2013. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked what was included in the Master Plan that will be given to <br /> the Town. Roger Waldon said that the concept plan application to the Town has the <br /> application form and the map of the plan and existing conditions. The plan is to take the text in <br /> the abstract and the design guidelines with a cover letter. <br /> Commissioner Gordon suggested that this be sent to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners as well and Roger Waldon said that he would. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked Roger Waldon about the greenway next to the property <br /> and the experience with crime on greenways in Chapel Hill. <br /> Roger Waldon said that the experience in Chapel Hill has been favorable and crime <br /> has not been occurring. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that this would be a good to present at the Assembly of <br /> Governments meeting. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to adopt a Master Plan for the Southern Orange County Government Services <br /> Campus; authorize the Manager to submit the necessary application and fees to the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill for the Special Use Permit ("SUP") Modification process for this project; authorize <br /> the Chair to execute an amendment to the Clarion Associates Agreement dated May 15, 2012 <br /> in the amount not to exceed $37,500 for potential additional services related to the SUP <br /> process; and authorize the Chair to contact the Town of Chapel Hill regarding adjusting the <br /> SUP modification process and related fees for this project. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Historic Roqers Road Neiqhborhood Community Center and Budqet <br /> Amendment#3-B <br /> The Board considered establishing a County Capital Project for the construction of a <br /> Rogers Road Neighborhood Community Center and approving Budget Amendment#3-B and <br /> authorizing the Manager to draft an Interlocal Agreement. <br /> Assistant County Manager Michael Talbert said that the most recent discussion on this <br /> issue was on September 6th and the Board of County Commissioners approved moving <br /> forward, as follows: <br /> - move forward with a new "green" community center; <br /> - to ask the Manager to find $380,000 more to move into the fund already <br />