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and staff has been available for walking tours of the property. Staff is preparing to submit a <br /> special use permit to the Town of Chapel Hill. The intention of this meeting is to formally adopt <br /> the Master Plan and associated guidelines. <br /> Roger Waldon from Clarion and Associates made a PowerPoint presentation. <br /> Southern Qrange County <br /> Government Services Campus Master Plan <br /> �ctober 16, 2Q12 <br /> Qrange Gounty Board of Gounty Gommissioners <br /> Presentation Qbjectives <br /> - Activity Since Last Status Report <br /> - Design Guidelines <br /> - Adjustments to Master Plan <br /> - Draft Plan <br /> - Update on Approval Proeess / Fees <br /> Activity Since Last Status Report <br /> - Presentation to BQGG on August 21 <br /> - Public Information Meetings on September 4 <br /> - Meetings with Stakeholders and Town Staff <br /> - Revisions to Map Based on Additional Information <br /> - Development of Design Guidelines <br /> Design Guidelines <br /> - Qrange Gounty 2Q3Q Gomprehensive Plan <br /> - Ghapel Hill 2Q2Q Plan <br /> - Ghapel Hill Design Guidelines <br /> - TJGQG High Performance Guidelines for Triangle Region Public Facilities <br /> - Planning Best Practices <br /> - Site Planning <br /> - Infrastructure <br /> - Undisturbed Areas <br /> - Sustainability <br /> - Buildings <br /> Adjustments to Master Plan <br /> - Based on Goncept "B" from August 21 Meeting <br /> - Added Gonneetion to Garolina North Greenway/ Bikeway <br /> - Added Homestead Road Improvements <br /> - Glarified Language Regarding Expansion of Existing Buildings <br /> - Glarified Buffer and Setback Lines <br /> Update on Approval Process/Fees <br /> - Process <br /> 0 12 month timeframe <br /> o Two steps: Goncept Plan, Special Use Permit <br />