Orange County NC Website
Amendment#3-A (amended School Capital Project Ordinances), contingent on the State's <br /> approval of the Application and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> f. FY 2012-2013 Purchase of Vehicles throuqh Vehicle Replacement Internal Service <br /> Fund <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> g_ Leqal Advertisement for Quarterly Public Hearinq — November 19, 2012 <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> h. Interlocal Aqreement between Town of Hillsborouqh and Oranqe County for <br /> Erosion Control Services <br /> The Board approved an updated Interlocal Agreement to continue implementation of the <br /> erosion control program for the Town of Hillsborough by Planning & Inspections' Erosion <br /> Control Division. <br /> i. Retiree Health Insurance Eliqibility for County Commissioners <br /> The Board approved the resolution, which is incorporated by reference, (Attachment 3) <br /> reflecting the Board's decision to make Commissioner eligibility for retiree health <br /> insurance commensurate with the eligibility requirements for Orange County employees <br /> effective October 2, 2012. <br /> i Electronic Medical Record/Practice Manaqement Svstem Replacement <br /> The Board approved the replacement of the Health Department's Electronic Medical <br /> Record/Practice Management System with the purchase of the Patagonia Health <br /> Electronic Medical Record/Practice Management System with existing Medicaid Cost <br /> Settlement funds. <br /> k. Chanqe in BOCC Reqular Meetinq Schedule for 2012 <br /> The Board amended its regular meeting calendar for 2012 by: <br /> Changing the location of the BOCC Quarterly Public Hearing meeting scheduled for <br /> Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. FROM the DSS Offices, 113 Mayo Street, TO <br /> the Central Orange Senior Center (Adjoining Triangle Sportsplex), 103 Meadowlands <br /> Drive, Hillsborough, N. C. (Dinner meeting with the Planning Board at 5:30 p.m. will remain <br /> at Link Government Services Center). <br /> 6. Public Hearinqs-NONE <br /> 7. Reqular Aqenda <br /> a. Southern Oranqe County Government Services Campus Master Plan <br /> Adoption <br /> The Board received and considered adopting a Master Plan for the Southern Orange <br /> County Government Services Campus; authorizing the Manager to submit the necessary <br /> application and fees to the Town of Chapel Hill for the Special Use Permit ("SUP") Modification <br /> process for this project; authorizing the Chair to execute an amendment to the Clarion <br /> Associates Agreement dated May 15, 2012 in the amount not to exceed $37,500 for potential <br /> additional services related to the SUP process; and considered authorizing the Chair to contact <br /> the Town of Chapel Hill regarding adjusting the SUP modification process and related fees for <br /> this project. <br /> Engineer in Asset Management Services Jeff Thompson said that in August this year, <br /> the Board of County Commissioners authorized the staff to move forward with a concept plan <br />