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departments cover municipal and rural areas; and Mebane and North Chatham <br /> fire departments are located outside of Orange County, but cover areas within <br /> Orange County; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Orange County Board of Commissioners does <br /> hereby acknowledge the support Orange County fire departments have <br /> displayed in reducing insurance expenses for property owners in Orange County. <br /> This the 16th day of October 2012. <br /> Bernadette Pelissier, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> Caldwell Fire Chief Brad Allison accepted the resolution on behalf of the Fire Chiefs <br /> Council and all of the volunteer fire departments in Orange County. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> approve the resolution to recognize the Volunteer Fire Departments in Orange County for their <br /> diligent efforts in reducing homeowners' fire insurance costs. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Consent Aqenda <br /> • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> 5-f— FY 2012-2013 Purchase of Vehicles through Vehicle Replacement Internal <br /> Service Fund <br /> 5-g — Legal Advertisement for Quarterly Public Hearing — November 19, 2012 <br /> • Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to approve the remaining items on the consent agenda. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> • Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br /> f. FY 2012-2013 Purchase of Vehicles throuqh Vehicle Replacement Internal <br /> Service Fund <br /> The Board considered approving the final list of County vehicles to be purchased <br /> through the Vehicle Replacement Internal Service Fund established with the FY2012-13 <br /> Budget and authorize staff to purchase. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that in almost all of the categories they have funds to re- <br /> purpose vehicles but in two departments — Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and <br /> Recreation and Social Services - are getting replacement vehicles. He asked if the vehicles <br /> were being replaced specific to the requests or if they were just replacing vehicles. His <br /> concern is that Parks would need specific types of vehicles, etc. He would like to buy the <br /> specific vehicle to match the department. <br /> Jeff Thompson said that staff ineets with departments to talk about the needs. <br />