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• Have Fun, Take Risks <br />• Think out of the Box/Be Creative (Don't feel compelled to do things the way they've always been done) <br />• Speak one at a time <br />• Accept other's truth — Which doesn't require your agreement but acknowledges the fact that for people their perception is 100% of reality. <br />• Listen for Understanding <br />• Leave your Ego at the Door —Ego That part of us that continues to worry, live in doubt, is afraid, judges people, is afraid to trust, needs proof, believes only when it is convenient, fails <br />to follow -up, refuses to practice what it preaches, needs to be rescued, wants to be a victim, beats up on "self', needs to be right all the time and continues to hold on to what does not <br />work. Taken from the Introduction of "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up: 40 Days & 40 Nights Towards Spiritual Strength & Personal Growth " by Iyanla Vanzant <br />