Orange County NC Website
Proposed Group Agreements <br />• Speak Your Truth— Speak from the "I" position, rather than detaching from your perspective (`you ") or universalizing your perspective ( "we "). <br />• Lean Into Discomfort and Lean Into Each Other - By design, authentic dialogue challenges participants. Discomfort signals that you are being challenged and perhaps even growing from the <br />experience. Support each other to participate fully. Step up and practice asserting if you tend to be reserved or quiet. Step back and practice listening if you tend to be talkative. <br />• Expect and Be Willing to Accept Non closure - Embrace the process as the task. While this process might be designed to resolve an immediate question, it will raise far more questions than answers <br />about the larger issues uncovered through the dialogue. Engaging in the dialogue and process of working together will reap far greater rewards than simply making a decision about what "to do." <br />Commissioners who helped craft this goal about the <br />goal/priorities and <br />rationale /intent of this goal and the related priorities) <br />2. To identify potential strategies to enhance town, <br />• Update /Status (10 minute maximum staff report) Will focus on <br />county, and university relations. <br />how the town, county and University relate to each other now. <br />• Town /County/University Relations -. Carl Stenberg, Institute <br />of Government will share the potential friction points between the <br />three entities and potential solutions based on how other <br />communities have addressed those conflicts. (15 minute) <br />• Q &A/Discussion (20 minute full group discussion) <br />3.10 — 3.40 <br />Review BOCC Goals and <br />Goal #6 Ensure Life Long Learning <br />The goal of this discussion is to: <br />Priorities <br />(Champion Diversity, Education, Libraries, Parks, Recreation, <br />1. Provide information about the history /rationale for <br />Animal Welfare) <br />Goal 46 and priorities, <br />2. Discuss the current status of this goal and priorities <br />3. Identify if there are existing or new priorities that <br />• Brief Overview/History — (5 minute comments by <br />need to be addressed on future Commission agenda. <br />Commissioners who helped craft this goal about the <br />rationale /intent of this goal and the related priorities) <br />• Update /Status (10 minute maximum staff report) <br />• Q &A/Discussion (15 minutes) <br />• Potential Discussion Items: Next Steps for Park Plan, Southern <br />Library Branch <br />3:40 — 4:00 <br />Reflection and Next Steps <br />1. What have you accomplished today? <br />2. Where should you go from here? <br />4:00 <br />Adjourn <br />Proposed Group Agreements <br />• Speak Your Truth— Speak from the "I" position, rather than detaching from your perspective (`you ") or universalizing your perspective ( "we "). <br />• Lean Into Discomfort and Lean Into Each Other - By design, authentic dialogue challenges participants. Discomfort signals that you are being challenged and perhaps even growing from the <br />experience. Support each other to participate fully. Step up and practice asserting if you tend to be reserved or quiet. Step back and practice listening if you tend to be talkative. <br />• Expect and Be Willing to Accept Non closure - Embrace the process as the task. While this process might be designed to resolve an immediate question, it will raise far more questions than answers <br />about the larger issues uncovered through the dialogue. Engaging in the dialogue and process of working together will reap far greater rewards than simply making a decision about what "to do." <br />