Orange County NC Website
13 <br />28 <br />not listed on the regular ÑCalendar of Meetings.Ò Requests by <br />individuals must be renewed on or before the last day of each <br />calendar year and are subject to a $10.00 nonrefundable an- <br />nual fee. <br />Comment: The Open Meetings Law requires that any Ñofficial <br />meetingÒ at which a majority of the board deliberates on pub- <br />lic business must be open to the public and notice must be <br />given. The last sentence of the rule embodies that principle. <br />The rule goes beyond the Open Meetings Law in requiring a <br />published schedule of work sessions or committee meetings <br />held on a regular basis. <br />G.S. 143-318.13(a) provides that if the board holds any regu- <br />lar, special, emergency, or other official meeting by use of con <br />ference telephone or other electronic means, the clerk shall <br />provide a location and means whereby members of the public <br />may listen to the meeting and notice of the meeting shall specif <br />that location. <br /> All meetings shall be held <br />Rule 7. Location of Meetings. <br />within the boundaries of Orange County except as otherwise <br />provided herein. <br />1.A joint meeting with the governing board of any other po- <br />litical subdivision of this state or any other state may be <br />held within the boundaries of either subdivision as may be <br />stated in the call of the meeting. At any such joint meeting, <br />the board reserves the right to vote separately on all mat- <br />ters coming before the joint meeting. <br />2.A special meeting called for the purpose of considering and <br />acting upon any order or resolution requesting members <br />of the General Assembly representing all or any portion of <br />this county to support or oppose any bill pending in the <br />General Assembly or proposed for introduction therein may <br />be held in Raleigh or such other place as may be stated in <br />the call of the meeting. <br />3.A meeting may be held in connection with a retreat, fo- <br />rum, or similar gathering solely for the purpose of provid- <br />ing members of the board with general information relat- <br />ing to the performance of their public duties. <br />4.A meeting may be held while in attendance at a convention, <br />association meeting, or similar gathering solely to discuss <br /> <br />