Orange County NC Website
9 <br />24 <br />policy issues may not be considered in a closed session. A publi <br />body may not consider the qualifications, competence, perfor- <br />mance, character, fitness, appointment or removal of a mem- <br />ber of the public body or a member of any other public body, <br />and may not consider or fill a vacancy among its own member- <br />ship except in an open meeting. Final action making an ap- <br />pointment or discharge or removal by a public body having <br />final authority for the appointment or discharge or removal <br />shall be taken in an open meeting. <br />7.To plan, conduct, or hear reports concerning investigations <br />of alleged criminal misconduct. <br />(b) The board may go into closed session only upon a motion <br />made and duly adopted at an open meeting. This motion must <br />cite one or more of the permissible purposes listed in subsec- <br />tion (a) of this rule. In addition, a motion to go into closed s <br />sion pursuant to Rule 3 (a)(1) must state the name or citation <br />of the law that renders the information to be discussed privi- <br />leged or confidential, and a motion to go into closed session <br />pursuant to Rule (a)(3) must identify the parties in each exist- <br />ing lawsuit, if any, concerning which the board expects to re- <br />ceive advice during the closed session. <br />(c) The board shall determine who shall attend the closed sessio <br />The county manager, county attorney and clerk to the board shall <br />attend all closed sessions unless otherwise determined by the bo <br />The board shall determine other necessary attendees as the facts <br />and the circumstances dictate. With respect to a closed session <br />consult with the county attorney or another attorney employed by <br />or retained by the county, in order to preserve the attorney-cli <br />privilege between the attorney and the board, the board shall no <br />permit a person to attend the closed session if that personÔs at <br />dance would defeat the attorney-client privilege. <br />(d) The board shall conclude a closed session and return to open <br />session upon a motion made and adopted to do so. <br /> <br />