Orange County NC Website
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2.0 Service Terms and Responsibilities: <br /> 1. Work to be performed during business hours 9am-5pm local time,excluding holidays,or as identified in a <br /> specific schedule. <br /> 2. You will provide a designated point of contact to work with the Engineer and Project Manager/Coordinator as <br /> required <br /> 3. You will provide all necessary hardwaretsoftware/licensing <br /> 4. You will provide administrative level access to the existing,network as required <br /> 5. You will provide access to the facility during standard and after business hours as/if applicable. <br /> 6. You will provide general project communication to Orange County staff/users,via Everyone emails,website, <br /> Dept Head meetings, Liaison meetings. <br /> 7. Data should be migrated off of local PCs/Laptops to a network location. <br /> 8. You will supply list of computers to be replaced,replacement types,their locations and department contacts. <br /> g. OCIT'to provide Help Desk support for escalation of issues that arise during deployment as related to the <br /> County's network, licensed software and other computing resources,i.e.,printers,scanners,etc. <br /> 1`0. You will install and configure any applications or peripherals deemed out-of-scope of vendor responsibility. <br /> 11. You will respond to customer complaints through vendor escalation <br /> 12. You will review and assessment of vendor processes before and during deployment. <br /> 13. Verification of equipment records and any associated documentation during deployment and after completion. <br /> 14. Should the above-mentioned Client responsibilities not be able to be met, it will directly affect the estimated <br /> cost of the project. <br /> 15. All work done will be on a per unit(PC/Laptop)installation cost basis,with a minimum installation of 50 units. <br /> The Client will only be billed for the number of PCs/laptops installed. <br /> 16 This work is scheduled to be performed during standard business hours. <br /> 17. Due to reliance on the Client's existing backup solution, Lenovo can assume no responsibility for any loss of <br /> data. <br /> 18. Any hardware/software issues discovered while the engineer is on site will directly affect the estimated cost of <br /> the project.Should issues be discovered,the Client will be notified and a written change order notice will be <br /> issued to facilitate any mutually agreed upon changes. <br /> 19. Lenovo is not responsible for re-connecting personal devices(i.e., iPhones,etc)-to-the new computers. <br /> 20. Free and clear access to ensure delivery of machines to each building for the deployment days. <br /> 21. If an established schedule must change,or out of scope work is requested,additional charges may apply. <br /> 22. A pilot project may be required to validate the scope of work. <br /> 23. The basic system components for the project include the system unit,monitor,keyboard and mouse. <br /> 24. As part of the installation,the Service Provider will identify any"Defective on Arrival"(DOA)Lenovo hardware <br /> product to the Orange County IT staff. <br /> 25. Lenovo is not responsible for missed schedule deadlines if they are caused by extended power outages,acts <br /> of nature and/or other causes beyond the Service Provider's reasonable control. <br /> 26. Service will be invoiced as defined in Section 5.0 and payment is due within 30 days of a properly,submitted <br /> invoice.In the event of a dispute,the Customer reserves the right to withhold the disputed amount until the <br /> parties resolve the dispute, <br /> 27. The scope,pricing and terms and conditions outlined in this SOW address'only these services) The <br /> purchase terms,descriptions and pricing of any Lenovo hardware product(s)that may be related to the <br /> services addressed in this SOW are outlined in other documents such as formal proposals,pricing quotes,the <br /> Lenovo Customer Agreement or equivalent agreement in effect between us for Lenovo hardware purchase. <br /> 28. A Gear escalation path will be defined and provided along with a list of the key contacts in the engagement <br /> with telephone and email contact information prior to the start of the engagement to ensure that all parties <br /> have the information necessary to reach alternates'or back up contacts if the situation arises. <br /> 29. Lenovo will put together a formal project plan as required,including any applicable technician instructions,an <br /> outline and sample of the tracking and reporting incorporated into the engagement, service level agreements <br /> and the skill level of technicians who will be supporting this engagement for your review prior to the <br /> customer engagement. <br /> 30. Unexpected and unforeseen out-of-scope-requirements may result in additional charges. Should this <br /> situation arise,you will be notified prior to performing any out-of-scope services.Agreement and approval <br /> from you must be provided in writing. <br /> 31. Customer information or data which is obtained or otherwise accessed in the performance of this SOW will be <br /> held in confidence and will not be disclosed to any third party or to employees,agents,subcontractors,or <br /> suppliers who do not have the need for access to such information or data. <br /> 32. Services shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner by qualified personnel in the agreed upon <br /> timeframes and in accordance with generally accepted professional standards for such Services and to <br /> conform to the specifications and requirements,if any,specified in this SOW. Lenovo shall be responsible for <br /> Orange County NC Government-Services SOW-01/14/2013 2 of 13 <br />