Orange County NC Website
1 <br />INFORMATION ITEM <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />From: Michael S. Talbert, Assistant County Manager <br />Date: January 17, 2013 <br />Re: Proposed New Greater Chapel Hill Fire Service District <br />Attachments: Agenda Item 9 from the Town of Chapel Hill Business Meeting 1/14/13 <br />On January 14, 2013 the Chapel Hill Town Council considered the County's request to <br />provide fire protections in a proposed New Greater Chapel Hill Fire Service District. <br />Attached are the Executive Summary, Town Managers Recommendation, Staff Report <br />from Chief Dan Jones and Resolution A. <br />There was a long discussion by the Manager and Town Council around the three options <br />the Manager presented for the Council's consideration. <br />1. Refuse to provide the protection outside Town limits except for mutual aid. <br />2. Require that the affected residents petition for annexation in order to receive <br />primary fire protection. <br />3. As requested, enter into a service agreement with Orange County to extend our <br />current fire district area to provide protection to the affected neighborhoods. <br />The Town Manager did not recommend any of the options. The Town Council <br />unanimously approved a Resolution A, requesting Orange County Government's <br />assistance in encouraging the residents of the proposed New Greater Chapel Hill Fire <br />Service District to seek annexation onto the Town of Chapel Hill. The Town is not <br />interested in expanding the existing Chapel Hill Fire District. <br />There is no need to move forward with further discussion of 3 New Fires Service <br />Districts that were presented to the Board on December 11, 2012. <br />All of the existing Fire Protection Districts will remain in place for Fiscal 2013/2014 and <br />staff will continue to look for other solutions. There are no easy solutions to this <br />problem. <br />