Orange County NC Website
29 <br />DRAFT <br />Recommendations, yet to be finalized, Target date June 30, 2013: <br />Rogers Road Neighborhood Community Center: <br />That the County create Memorandum of Understanding for the operations of the <br />Community Center with the County, Habitat, and the Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood <br />Association all being a party to the agreement. The agreement shall provide for the <br />operation & maintenance of a new Rogers Road Neighborhood Community Center <br />including services, programs & activities to be provided in the Center. <br />County Sewer District: <br />1. That the Managers explore the creation of a County Sewer District for all property <br />owners in the Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood that are not currently served <br />by a municipal sewer system and would benefit from the installation of sewer <br />infrastructure to serve the Rogers Road Neighborhood. <br />a. That the towns participate with the possible creation of a County Sewer <br />District, which could overlap town boundaries, by resolution to such inclusion. <br />b. That a County Sewer District would make special assessments against <br />benefited property within the district to cover the costs of constructing, <br />extending or improving sewage disposal system. The basis of any special <br />assessment would be determined at a later date after investigating <br />development potential and the number of possible dwelling units. A special <br />assessment would share the costs of the sewer system with current benefited <br />property (homeowners) and undeveloped land for future development. <br />c. That the Managers work with the Attorneys to create criteria that would <br />enable homeowners, that have lived in the Historic Rogers Road <br />Neighborhood before 1972, to connect from the sewer system free of charge <br />and recommend a sliding scale fee structure for homeowners that move to <br />the Neighborhood between 1972 and 2012. <br />