Orange County NC Website
some point and time that the athletic field lights would provide sufficient <br />illumination of the playing field at these specific heights. <br />Staff Comment: The height of an athletic field light was only a portion <br />of the regulatory standard that had to be complied with. <br />There were also foot - candle limits, light angle specifications, and other <br />standards governing the viability of a proposal to erect outdoor lighting <br />that had to be addressed prior to a permit being issued. <br />3. A BOCC member asked staff to clarify the proposed regulation detailed <br />on page 54 of the packet (proposed amendment to Section 6.11.2 (C)) <br />concerning a revised standard requiring a property owner to bring <br />outdoor light fixtures into compliance with the UDO if the <br />building /parking area is expanded. <br />The member asked of the regulation would be based on a cumulative <br />basis or on an individual permit basis. <br />Staff Comment: Staff indicated this would be discussed at the <br />December 5, 2012 Planning Board meeting. <br />Staff recommended, and the Planning Board concurred, that <br />compliance would be measured on a cumulative basis beginning on <br />January 24, 2013, the anticipated adopted of the proposed <br />amendments. <br />4. BOCC members asked if staff could provide additional context related <br />to the proposed modification to the allowable height of athletic field <br />lights, specifically providing detail on what surrounding municipalities <br />and counties did. <br />While several members indicated they understood the concerns of <br />certain County staff over the current height limit, they indicated the <br />BOCC deliberated on the proposed height limits and made a <br />determination there was no interest in having tall light poles in the rural <br />areas of the County. <br />A second BOCC member indicated an unwillingness to raise height <br />limits given the potential impacts of light trespass in rural areas of the <br />County. He indicated the BOCC made a conscious decision to <br />establish a height limit and felt what was in place was sufficient. <br />Staff Comment: Athletic field lights are regulated as follows in <br />surrounding jurisdictions- <br />Town/County <br />Height limit for athletic field lights <br />Chapel Hill <br />Regulations do not appear to establish a <br />height limit. <br />Carrboro <br />60 foot height limit from finished grade <br />unless the applicant receives authorization <br />from the `permit- issuing authority to erect a <br />taller light fixture after `receipt of substantial <br />information justifying the need for additional <br />I <br />