Orange County NC Website
Statutes /Rules. The changes have been suggested by MuniCode, a corporation <br />retained by Orange County to codify the County's ordinances, and are a result of <br />MuniCode's legal review of the County's UDO. The legal review was completed in <br />order to prepare the ordinance for codification. The changes are not substantive but <br />the text amendment must go through the normal amendment process since the <br />County's UDO does not allow for manifest errors to be corrected without a formal <br />amendment. <br />2. Analysis <br />As required under Section 2.8.5 of the Unified Development Ordinance, the Planning <br />Director is required to: `cause an analysis to be made of the application and, based <br />upon that analysis, prepare a recommendation for consideration by the Planning <br />Board and the Board of County Commissioners'. The following information is offered: <br />These amendments are being proposed in order to ensure the correct State <br />statutes /rules are referenced in the UDO and to ensure the requirements of the UDO <br />are consistent with State statutes. <br />The change to the language in Section 6.16.4 is being proposed because §113A -8(b) <br />of the North Carolina General Statutes states that major development projects for <br />which an environmental impact statement (EIS) is required by a Federal or State <br />agency shall be exempt from EIS submittal requirements of a local government. <br />However, since the local government can require that the applicant submit a copy of <br />the EIS submitted to the Federal or State agency, staff is suggesting that said EIS <br />may be required. <br />3. Comprehensive Plan Linkage (i.e. Principles, Goals and Objectives) <br />No direct linkage to the Principles, Goals and Objectives of the Comprehensive <br />Plan. This amendment is proposed in order to engage in "good housekeeping" by <br />correcting reference errors in the UDO and ensuring the requirements of the UDO <br />are consistent with State statutes. <br />4. New Statutes and Rules <br />Some of the proposed corrections are attributable to changes made over the years in <br />the numbering system used by the State. <br />C. PROCESS <br />1. TIMEFRAME /MILESTONES /DEADLINES <br />a. BOCC Authorization to Proceed <br />....October 2 ..2012 <br />b. Quarterly Public Hearin <br />November 19. 2012 <br />2 <br />M <br />