Orange County NC Website
Article 4: Overlay Zoning Districts 22 <br />Section 4.2: Watershed Protection <br />Watersupply Watershed orβ€ž+er_,ti ,., o,.+ β€žf NCGS § 143- 214.5. In accordance with <br />the State Mandate, 13 Watershed Protection District Overlays, as listed in the table in <br />subsection (D), are hereby established. <br />(C) Areas designated as "Critical Area" under the Orange County designation are hereby <br />established using the following criteria: <br />(1) The land area in the Upper Eno watershed (straight line distance) within one -half <br />mile of the normal pool elevation (NPE), or nearest available contour line used <br />for the calculation, of an existing Class I or Class II reservoir or proposed water <br />supply reservoir designated for protection, or the ridgeline of the sub - watershed, <br />whichever is less; and <br />(2) The land area within one -half mile on each side for an upstream distance of 2.5 <br />miles (straight line distance) of any fifth order or higher stream flowing into a <br />Class I reservoir, or the ridgeline of the sub - watershed, whichever is less; and <br />(3) The land area within one -half mile on each side of a fourth order or higher stream <br />flowing between any Class II and Class I reservoir; and <br />(4) The land area within one -half mile on each side for an upstream distance of 1.5 <br />miles (straight line distance) of a third or fourth order stream flowing directly into <br />any Class I reservoir; and <br />(5) The land area within one -half mile on each side for an upstream distance of 1.0 <br />mile (straight line distance) of a third or fourth order stream flowing into a fourth <br />order or higher stream that is within 1.0 miles (straight line distance) of a Class I <br />reservoir; and <br />(6) Any isolated areas within the overall critical area boundary that drain into any of <br />the streams listed above. <br />(7) Areas designated as Transition Areas on the Land Use Element Map of the <br />Orange County Comprehensive Plan are excluded from designation as a Critical <br />Area, except for land areas located within one -half mile from the normal pool <br />elevation of a Class I reservoir. <br />(8) The land area north of the centerline of West Ten Road and west of the <br />centerline of the Interstate 85 /U.S. 70 Connector is excluded from designation as <br />a Critical Area, except for land areas located within one -half mile from the normal <br />pool elevation of a Class I reservoir. <br />(D) The designation of "Protected" applies to areas of watersheds classified as WS -11, WSIII, <br />or WS -IV outside of areas designated as "Critical Area." <br />(E) General Locations of Watershed Protection Overlay Districts <br />Orange County, North Carolina β€” Unified Development Ordinance Page 4 -2 <br />TABLE 4.2.2.E: WATERSHED PROTECTION OVERLAY <br />DISTRICT GENERAL LoCATION <br />UNIV -CA <br />University Lake Critical One -half mile from the normal pool elevation of University Lake, or to <br />Area the ridgeline of the watershed, whichever is less. <br />University Lake <br />The portion of the drainage basin of University Lake not covered by <br />UNIV -PW <br />Protected Watershed <br />UNIV -CA. <br />Overlay District <br />CANE -CA <br />Cane Creek Critical Area <br />One -half mile from the normal pool elevation of Cane Creek Reservoir, <br />Overlay District <br />or to the ridgeline of the watershed, whichever is less. <br />Cane Creek Protected <br />The portion of the drainage basin of Cane Creek Reservoir not <br />CANE -PW <br />Watershed Overlay <br />covered by CANE -CA. <br />District <br />One -half mile from the normal pool elevation, or to the ridgeline of the <br />Upper Eno Critical Area <br />watershed, whichever is less, of the following Class I reservoirs: <br />U- ENO -CA <br />Overlay District <br />Corporation Lake (538' actual NPE, 540' contour line used) and Lake <br />Ben Johnson (515' NPE and contour line used). One -half mile (straight <br />line measurement ) from the normal pool elevation, or to the ridgeline <br />Orange County, North Carolina β€” Unified Development Ordinance Page 4 -2 <br />