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2012-13 Arts in Education Application — Appendices <br /> ORANGE COUNTY ARTS <br /> COMMISSION <br /> A. Resumes of key artists and administrators involved in the grant funded program <br /> Eckerd Theater Company (ETC) is the professional theater company of Ruth Eckerd Hall, performing <br /> both in residence and on tour throughout the United States and as far north as Canada. A team of <br /> professional artists, educators and administrators under the umbrella of the Marcia P. Hoffman <br /> Performing Arts Institute, the education center for Ruth Eckerd Hall, ETC seeks to provide the finest in <br /> performance and arts education experiences to family audiences of all ages. Since 1988, Eckerd <br /> Theater Company has been a proud ambassador of Ruth Eckerd Hall, creating professional productions <br /> of original works, adaptations of classic literature and the finest of published scripts for the theater. ETC <br /> productions entertain while they explore such themes as diversity, multiculturalism, self-worth, loyalty <br /> and tolerance. Eckerd Theater Company has performed for more than a million young people and their <br /> families. <br /> ETC creates excellent theatrical experiences for its immediate and extended community, which surprise, <br /> delight, awe and entertain. ETC introduces new audiences to the unique experience of live theater and <br /> creates work that affirms the value of the individual and the beauty of the human spirit. ETC aspires to <br /> ignite the creative spark in young people and to inspire audiences of all ages to a greater understanding <br /> of the human condition. The Company strives to make a personal and individual impact on every person <br /> it encounters, instilling respect for the theatrical profession and an appreciation for the unique <br /> communication and relationship between actor and audience. <br /> Michele Melet, PTA Cultural Arts, has two children in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. She is <br /> dedicated to bringing unique, memorable and diverse cultural entertainment to the school that will inspire <br /> and educate the students. Michele was in charge of business development for a performance group in <br /> New York City, and coordinated performance improvement programs for corporations. <br /> Meredith Bolon, PTA President, has four children in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. An avid runner, <br /> she brings the same level of energy and enthusiasm to volunteering in the community and leading the <br /> PTA. She has covered the gamut of PTA positions in multiple schools, from Treasurer and Room Parent <br /> Coordinator to Webmaster& communications guru. She is the Treasurer of the Cardinal Track Club/Le <br /> Tour de Carrboro Charity Road Race Series, and has led the Chapel Hill/Carrboro Pacers Youth <br /> Running Club since 2007 as Head Coach and Board Chair. She is presently an Independent Consultant, <br /> having worked in consulting for PricewaterhouseCoopers from 1993 to 2007. Prior to that she was with <br /> IBM. She has a BS and MBA from the University of Virginia. <br />