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everything so it was a successful project and not a project that wasn't successful. I was Mayor <br /> of Hillsborough when the Waterstone project was approved, and that project went through <br /> several public hearings. One of my suggestions was that we had an informational meeting, <br /> unlike a public hearing, and it was held at the Big Barn, and it was kind of a floating time, the <br /> developer was there. Some of this information that was presented like during the first public <br /> hearing, the room was kind of full and nobody on the left-hand side got to see the presentation. <br /> So, if the developer was open to that, I would suggest maybe coming in the afternoon, or a day, <br /> or a Saturday, or sometime that they would be able to present so that everyone could see what <br /> information was presented and what it was going to look like. I know you can probably get that <br /> information by individually bothering the County staff and Planning department, but I think that <br /> would be a much easier way in having the developer there to answer questions for the people <br /> who do have concerns. I think it would be a good thing, but I certainly wouldn't want to speed <br /> through it as Waterstone took quite a while and a lot of giving on the part of the developer to get <br /> it approved. I would hope the County would at least consider that. There was one comment <br /> that a speaker made that I would like put in a different perspective. They stated something to <br /> the effect that housing in the County costs the tax base. There is an economist at a state <br /> college that disputes that fact. So I just wanted to bring that up, I'm not saying that commercial <br /> doesn't more than pay for its way, but also there are economists that disagree with the <br /> statement that was made earlier. I can get that economist's name for the public record if we <br /> need to. <br /> Mike Cross Hardin: I'm a local homeowner and I wanted to voice my concern for the project, I <br /> think it's a great thing. Just as an aside, I also happen to be an environmental engineer, and I'm <br /> not overly concerned that the project is going to contribute to the warming of the globe. <br /> David Caring: I've lived in Alamance County, Orange County, and also Durham County. My <br /> dad was founder of East Side Baptist Church in Mebane, North Carolina, so I'm very familiar <br /> with the area here and what goes on here. I live within a mile of where that project's going to be <br /> as the crow flies right off of Buckhorn Road there. I own 22 acres there. I knew when I bought <br /> there that this was a growing area, and I think most people knew that this was a growing area. I <br /> think it should not be denied, I think it would be good for our economy, good for our community, <br /> and I think it would be a plus for Hillsborough and Orange County. I'd just like to make that <br /> known tonight. <br /> BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> Commissioner Carey: Everything I've read is an indicator that the residential property does <br /> not pay for itself, and I'd like for this former Mayor to get the name and if that economist has <br /> ever written anything, get us a citation for that, because I'd like to see it. That would be the first <br /> time in a long time that I've seen anything to the contrary about the contribution of residential <br /> property to paying the bills and providing services. Also, the document that the engineer <br /> presented indicated that he's responded to some questions that were raised last time. I know <br /> we will get that, but I think we need to make sure the public gets that. Perhaps staff can figure <br /> out a way to get it on the website or something so that many of the people who raised the <br /> questions that may not be here would be able to know that the questions had been responded <br /> to. <br /> Chair Jacobs: Well, if the developer decides to take up Mr. Phelps' suggestion for the public <br /> information session, they could bring the questions and responses to that meeting. <br />