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Chair Jacobs said to bring this back at the April 15th meeting, and if there are policy <br /> decisions implicit in the contract, then make them explicit. <br /> Geof Gledhill said that the lease automatically renewed, but this is about the rent. <br /> All agreed by consensus to having the questions answered and bringing this item back <br /> at a later meeting. <br /> Dedication of Electrical Site Lighting Utilities to Duke Energy for Northern <br /> Park <br /> The Board considered approving a dedication of electrical site lighting utilities built to <br /> service the Orange County Northern Park, and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he does not know if they are taking out any trees and if there are <br /> alternative routes to be taken. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that Duke Energy does not do a tree survey when it applies for a <br /> permit, but it is showing that the dedication is from point A to point B. She said that Duke <br /> Energy does not want to deal with the removal of trees and it will work around the trees. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he does not trust utilities and he would like a statement of no tree <br /> removal or have a survey before the dedication is made. <br /> Laura Blackmon suggested that the County say that no trees will be removed, and this <br /> can be monitored since staff is on the construction site. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested putting in an amendment to this resolution that no trees will be <br /> removed without approval of the County. <br /> A motion was made by Chair Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to approve a <br /> dedication of electrical site lighting utilities built to service the Orange County Northern Park, <br /> and authorize the Chair to sign, with the amendment of no tree removal. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6. Regular Agenda-NONE <br /> 7. Reports-NONE <br /> 8. Board Comments <br /> Commissioner Carey— none. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked about the budget process and if items that were flagged or <br /> brought up at the retreat that have budget implications would be incorporated into the budget <br /> process. Laura Blackmon said that staff is in the process of processing all of those items from <br /> the retreat. Some of those projects were already in the pipeline and staff will prioritize those. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that there were items from the retreat that the Board did not <br /> discuss and he does not know if he supports them all. He asked about the process. Laura <br /> Blackmon said that the staff would bring them back to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> Commissioner Foushee — none. <br /> Commissioner Gordon — none. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that there would be an unveiling of road markers at the Government <br /> Services Center on April 8th at 11:30 for the Scots Heritage Scenic Highway, which has been <br /> designated in Orange County. Also, the State of the Economy Luncheon is on April 9th at 12:00 <br /> at the Carolina Club. Finally, the U. S. is spending $5,000 per second in Iraq. Six minutes of <br /> that money would cover the shortfall to fund the Efland sewer. <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> Laura Blackmon said that she would like to have some direction from the Board on how <br /> to proceed from the Assembly of Governments. There are a lot of things that have been coming <br /> out at these meetings, and County Commissioners have commented that staff should work on <br />