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Aubrey Graham said that he has lived in Efland all of his life also and he is a neighbor of <br /> Benny Cecil's. He remembers when the Efland-Cheeks school needed a new sewer system. <br /> One of the things that the citizens of the community said, through a petition, was that they would <br /> tap onto the sewer system if it came through. He thinks that there are more than enough names <br /> on the petition to justify the sewer system. He said that in the 1997 bond, the citizens thought <br /> they would get the project but it did not happen. He said that the Gravelly Hill Middle School <br /> line goes right through the center of his property. He said that staff did soil samples around his <br /> property and one portion that it crossed had some rock. He said that Paul Thames asked if he <br /> could cut across his yard to place a line and he agreed, but he still does not have sewer. He <br /> said that Efland needs sewer as soon as possible. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br /> receive the County Engineer's update/status report; receive the preliminary Engineer's Report; <br /> and direct staff to bring this item for a decision at the BOCC's next regular meeting in <br /> Hillsborough (May 1st). <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 3. Proclamations! Resolutions) Special Presentations <br /> a. Turkey Farm Road Bridge Resolution <br /> The Board considered approving a resolution concerning the Turkey Farm Road bridge <br /> replacement. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if this would cause any delay in bridge construction if the <br /> Board approved this. John Kent said that they do not want any delay, but also think that now is <br /> the time before the bulldozers start that they ask the questions that need to be asked about the <br /> corridor and the environment that's there. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> approve the resolution from the New Hope Creek Corridor Advisory Committee. <br /> RESOLUTION <br /> WHEREAS the natural corridor of New Hope Creek preserves invaluable recreational and <br /> educational opportunities, open space, wildlife habitat, and other historic and natural resources; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS the preservation of the New Hope Creek Corridor is essential for maintaining the <br /> health of Jordan Lake and the Cape Fear River Basin; and <br /> WHEREAS the section of New Hope Creek at Turkey Farm Road supports a unique community <br /> of freshwater mussels already imperiled by drought and the impacts of urban development, <br /> including two State Endangered Species and Federal Species of Concern (Carolina Creekshell, <br /> Atlantic Pigtoe), one State Endangered Species (Brook Floater), one State Threatened Species <br /> (Creeper), one State Special Concern Species (Notched Rainbow), one State Significantly Rare <br /> Species (Eastern Creekshell), and additional rare species that may include a previously <br /> undiscovered species of Lampsilis mussel; and <br /> WHEREAS Orange County, Durham County, the Town of Chapel Hill, and the City of Durham <br /> have continuously reaffirmed our commitment to the preservation of the New Hope Creek <br /> corridor and its natural resources since our joint funding of the New Hope Open Space Master <br /> Plan in 1989, adoption of the Master Plan in 1991; appointment of the New Hope Creek Corridor <br /> Advisory Committee to advise us on its implementation; and the subsequent expenditure of five <br /> million dollars of local, state and private funds for land protection pursuant to the Plan; <br />