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Craig Benedict: The process we have is depending on when the Commissioners close the <br /> public hearing. Written questions can come forward; they are part of the public record, shared <br /> with everyone — both the Commissioners and the general public. So, written questions can <br /> come forward and the answers can be prepared by the applicant or others to address those <br /> questions prior to the deliberations so that everybody has equal access to those. We would <br /> suggest that they be asked within the following couple of weeks so that they can do the <br /> research that's necessary, and we can distribute that before the next meeting is held. We have <br /> to work on those special conditions. <br /> Geof Gledhill: Whatever is going to be considered needs to be considered as part of the public <br /> hearing. Nothing will be considered after the public hearing is closed. <br /> Chair Jacobs: When the Planning Board asks a question during its deliberation, or if it asks for <br /> additional materials, should we leave the public hearing open to include that? <br /> Geof Gledhill: Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. You can leave the public hearing open for <br /> the Planning Board recommendation, for any additional written materials that are submitted <br /> between now and when the Planning Board makes its recommendation, or you can continue <br /> this form of the public hearing to another day if you want to, to receive additional material. So <br /> you have several options about it, but importantly, we need to leave the public hearing open to <br /> receive everything that you're going to consider before you make a decision. <br /> Chair Jacobs: I think we'll go in the former direction rather than the latter. Are you making <br /> recommendations about a date at which the Planning Board would begin to consider this? <br /> Craig Benedict: Options B and C, we've kind of moved past Option A, it would be a very fast <br /> turnaround for the Planning Board to deliberate tomorrow night. Option B would ask the <br /> Planning Board to deliberate on April 16th, about two weeks from now. Option C would ask the <br /> Planning Board to deliberate by May 7th or May 19th. And then it would return back to the <br /> Commissioners no later than May 19th. That's Option C, that may be a more realistic timeframe <br /> based on the questions that came forward from both groups tonight. Even with asking the <br /> Planning Board to come back with a recommendation by May 19th, probably two or three weeks <br /> prior to that, all of the questions would have to be asked and answered by the applicant so that <br /> full packets of information could be prepared and the special use conditions could be prepared <br /> also. So, Option B, a quicker timeframe, Option C seems to give a little more latitude into the <br /> process. <br /> Chair Jacobs: So, is May 5th a compromise in terms of speed? It would seem that there's not <br /> much difference between the 5th and the 7th as far as meetings. Are those regularly scheduled? <br /> Craig Benedict: May 7th is a regular Planning Board meeting. May 5th would have to be a <br /> special Planning Board meeting. <br /> Jay Bryan: When is the Comprehensive Plan Update public hearing? <br /> Craig Benedict: May 19th does ring a bell. But that's just "no later than." <br /> Chair Jacobs: It is the 19th of May. <br /> Craig Benedict: Setting that date would just say, "no later than," it doesn't mean that it would <br /> actually have to occur on that night. <br />