Minutes - 20080401
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20080401
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/17/2016 11:23:12 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 3:00:24 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 04-01-2008-
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Geof Gledhill: I think at the end of the day, what you're going to have in front of you is the <br /> special use permit that incorporates whatever it is that's in the application materials, whatever it <br /> is that's been testified to that needs to be there for the special use permit. <br /> Craig Benedict: Just to reiterate, the rezoning, there's criteria within your zoning code that is <br /> the basis of the criteria to decide on the rezoning. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, <br /> those type of global, and as the attorney said, prior to acceptance or review of any application, <br /> there will be special use criteria that will further elaborate what's in this application, it will lock in <br /> specifically any conditions — underground electric and the like would be wrapped into the special <br /> use permit. As part of that special use permit, findings of fact that address the criteria that's <br /> also part of our zoning application criteria, and chapter eight would be illustrated. <br /> Jay Bryan: So, the issue of their request for not having to abide by 14 of the criteria in the ED <br /> Design Manual, the staff will make recommendations about their request about that prior to <br /> either board voting on the application. <br /> Craig Benedict: That's correct. They're asking for design solutions different than what are in <br /> the original manual, and staff will make recommendations concerning them and both boards will <br /> be able to deliberate if those design solutions meet the intent of the planned development. <br /> Geof Gledhill: Let me add to that. The EDD Manual does not envision either a legislative <br /> process or a special use permit process; it envisions a complex site development process, in <br /> which the developer meets all of the requirements of the EDD Manual. If the developer planned <br /> to meet all of the requirements of the EDD Manual, you would never see it; it would be handled <br /> at the staff level. It could be a development as large as this one, or even larger. But because <br /> this development has in mind some different ideas, some different design approaches, and <br /> different uses, then it's coming to you in both the legislative and the special use permit process. <br /> So, presumably, the special use permit itself will address the degree to which the design <br /> solutions proposed by these applicants meet or exceed the requirements of the design manual. <br /> Chair Jacobs: So, in that sense, there is a plan for this economic development district. <br /> Geof Gledhill: This will be a subset of that economic development. If this is approved, this will <br /> be the plan of this portion of that economic development district. <br /> Chair Jacobs: You might want to make copies of the design manual available to Planning <br /> Board members and Commissioners that don't have it, or at least put it on disk. You might want <br /> to have maps. It might be easier to overlay things on a CD than it would be to have a whole <br /> bunch of transparencies. I think it would be good to have some maps, but it might also be good <br /> if you could make some CDs so that people could see how things overlay and have enough so <br /> that we could share them with the public. And also, I think we need a land use map for the <br /> area. One of our conversations with Mebane was very specific about where it will and will not <br /> extend water and sewer, because we had the same concern about the kind of sprawl around <br /> Southpoint that we don't want in Orange County, and neither did they. But you need to see that <br /> on a map, and I think we need to see what we've agreed to with Mebane so that people can <br /> understand what the parameters are in the conversation about water and sewer. <br /> Michelle Kempinski: Is there still an opportunity, if a question comes up from any Planning <br /> Board members to submit it to the developer after this meeting. <br />
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