Minutes - 20080401
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20080401
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/17/2016 11:23:12 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 3:00:24 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 04-01-2008-
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Agenda - 04-01-2008-11b
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Bernadette Pelissier: Yes, I had questions about the water and sewer. I guess on page 5, <br /> there's a reference to this being within the Water and Sewer Management Boundary <br /> Agreement. I don't know what agreement there specifically exists. I guess the specific <br /> questions I have are, I know there are other tracts of land that are a part of this EDD that are not <br /> in question here, and I am wondering if there are long-range plans that the Town of Mebane has <br /> about what's the capacity to actually serve the remaining area of the EDD, and how would it be <br /> impacted by this type of development here that's not light industrial. What else could you do on <br /> the adjacent property? I'd like to know a little bit more about that. Are there any discussions <br /> about whether or not Mebane would be intent on annexing any of the property since it's so <br /> close. I think that's something we really need to look at. I'd like to see that there's some <br /> agreement here with Mebane, and I don't know what's going on. <br /> Chair Jacobs: We'll get to that. <br /> Michelle Kempinski: The first one has to do with the types of uses that are being requested as <br /> part of the planned development. On pages 15-16, it talks about that there's a series of places <br /> for District I, II, and III. For example, District I lists retail trade as the uses. And then <br /> accommodation, retail, finance/insurance, services in District II. Retail, services, residential, <br /> and government in District III. The concern that I have is, not in that they're listed, but in the <br /> specificity and the intended use. Because on page 17 there is a conversion table that allows <br /> you flexibility of converting one to another based on design factors that will convert retail to <br /> condos, or theater to retail, and so on and so forth. I would have a concern that the conversion <br /> factor is a part of the application, because then it's not a specified use. If you could outline the <br /> reason for the table on page 17, and what are some of the tentative scenarios that you would <br /> expect to see that would lead you to request that there be a conversion factor as part of the <br /> specified use. <br /> Jim Parker: That was one of the questions that we responded to, basically what does retail use <br /> mean, what does that encompass. We gave some outline items in our response as well as the <br /> services. We responded to those and you'll see that. The conversion table is to convert theater <br /> seats, hotel rooms, and condos from retail square footage. <br /> Michelle Kempinski: In one direction only? <br /> Jim Parker: You could go either way. The intent of that table was so that it does not <br /> contaminate or change the traffic generation numbers that had been provided in the TIA. For <br /> example, and these are just numbers that I'm pulling out of my head, so they mean absolutely <br /> nothing. For example, we have 20,000 trips that are coming to this development based on the <br /> land use plan that you have now and the square footage that you have in front of you in the <br /> three district tables. We could use that conversion factor, the way that it's spelled out, and <br /> those 20,000 trips don't change. They're still 20,000 trips. That was the reason for that table. <br /> There's some level of flexibility built into this plan in order for us to be able to determine an end. <br /> Is there one theater, is there one hotel, or are there two hotels with 400 rooms, or one hotel with <br /> 200 rooms? You can't just add that, you need to be able to balance the background. <br /> Michelle Kempinski: I understand the implications of the traffic analysis, my concern is that <br /> uses need to be specified in the special use permit and not be provisional as part of the <br /> ordinance. Also, my concern would be that, for example, 200 condos may be deemed as an <br /> undesirable use in the district after the application is approved, and the conversion table would <br />
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