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Renee Price: The other question that I had was the residential units and how many are you <br /> proposing? <br /> Jim Parker: Currently, there are 200 in the planned development. <br /> Renee Price: At this point, it does not include single-family, because I noticed the staff <br /> commented that they do not want single-family. <br /> Jim Parker: Correct, multi-family. <br /> Renee Price: I was concerned about the sustainability as well of the type of jobs that we're <br /> going to have there, and also the viability of the retail business, particularly smaller ones in <br /> competition with the big box stores. I think that's a problem we've had almost universally, or <br /> throughout the country, is that the big box stores tend to push the small businesses out of <br /> business. I have a concern about that, but you do indicate that you are going to be inviting <br /> these kinds of businesses there. <br /> Jim Parker: Correct. And we will try and respond to that in some written form for you. <br /> Renee Price: And also, I'm concerned about the distance from other population centers. I'm <br /> concerned about the amount of pollution. Has there been any work done about the amount of <br /> pollution considering you've got 85 and 40 and all this parking area and the air pollution? <br /> Jim Parker: We will respond to that also. <br /> Sam Lasris asked if he could read aloud the question and answer sheet provided by the <br /> developers and Chair Jacobs said no, because of the time factor. <br /> Sam Lasris: Why were the parking decks eliminated? <br /> Jim Parker: They're not eliminated; they may not be as clearly shown as before. The land use <br /> plan indicates surface parking. If there are potential hotels, there may be some structure <br /> parking. You asked about the questions just a moment ago that we've responded to. I'm not <br /> going to say every question that has been asked tonight has been addressed in those <br /> comments, but a lot of those questions that have been asked tonight have been touched on or <br /> addressed. What I've listed was about the structured parking. The intent is not to eliminate it, <br /> it's kind of use-driven, and so I think it will be more of a hotel use with the structure parking. <br /> Sam Lasris: Can you explain the rationale for putting structures at three diverse places on the <br /> property instead of having a more compact development? I mean, we used to have a very <br /> walkable kind of shopping district where you pulled in, you parked and walked the whole thing, <br /> and then when you were ready to leave, you got in your car. But, the way this is, there are three <br /> distinct areas and you more of less have to drive from area to area. I know we talked about that <br /> you could potentially walk, but most people are not going to walk, but they're going to drive. <br /> What's the rationale for three separate districts and so far apart ? <br /> Jim Parker: There was not a conscious effort to put them far apart. Looking at the walkability <br /> plan that we submitted, there is anywhere from a five-minute walk to maybe a seven-minute <br /> walk between those districts exists. The intent was to try and create three different theme or <br /> three different areas that puts you into a different mindset or a different type of shopping <br /> experience, yet maintain them to the point that you could walk. The other thing that drove those <br />