Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, the alignment option C2 is potentially compatible with the overall vision for the <br /> transit corridor; and <br /> WHEREAS, the ridership, costs, environmental impacts, community impacts, and impacts on <br /> nearby roadway traffic of alignment option C2 needs to be further studied in the Scoping and <br /> Preliminary Engineering/Draft Environmental Impact Statement (PE/DEIS) phases before a final <br /> decision is made on which alignment should be advanced; and <br /> WHEREAS, alignment option D3 in the South Square station area would best promote transit- <br /> supportive economic development; and <br /> WHEREAS, the adoption of the Locally Preferred Alternative does not include a <br /> recommendation for the location of a Rail Operations and Maintenance Facility and the location <br /> of this facility will be further studied in the Scoping and PE/DEIS phases; and <br /> WHEREAS, the adoption of the Locally Preferred Alternative will be followed by further study of <br /> the alignment and station locations in the Scoping and PE/DEIS phases when a final decision is <br /> made on the remaining active options; and <br /> WHEREAS, the substantive issues identified in public comments on the Alternatives Analysis <br /> will be addressed in subsequent development steps such as Scoping and PE/DEIS; and <br /> BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Durham-Chapei Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning <br /> Organization Transportation Advisory Committee adopts light rail transit technology on the <br /> alignment recommended in the "Detailed Definition of Alternatives Technical Report" dated July <br /> 2011 with the modification that the C2 option be carried forward for further study in the <br /> Meadowmont and Hillmont station areas as the Locally Preferred Alternative for the Durham- <br /> Orange County Corridor(as illustrated on the attached map), and that the DCHC MPO intends <br /> to incorporate this LPA into the forthcoming 2040 Long Range Transportation <br /> Plan to further inform this LPA, provided here on this, the 8th day of February, 2012. <br /> V14 <br />