Minutes - 20080318
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20080318
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/17/2016 11:33:20 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:59:58 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 03-18-2008-
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request packages. I met with all department heads to discuss their budget requests for fiscal <br /> year 2007-2008, and I also reviewed the service/program inventories. I further asked <br /> departments if there were particular programs where efficiencies might be achieved and the <br /> department head would recommend changing or eliminating. <br /> Discussions with Parks and Recreation Director Lori Taft led to two programs for consideration <br /> — the after school program and the summer day camp program — since these were services <br /> offered by other entities throughout the County including both public (schools) and private <br /> providers. The amount of funding associated with each program was identified, and following <br /> further discussion, it was determined that staff would recommend to the BOCC during the <br /> budget process that the Parks and Recreation Department cease offering after school care with <br /> school year 2008 and summer day camp programs during summer 2008. Correspondingly, the <br /> requested budgets for these programs (both revenues and expenditures) were reduced prior to <br /> my Recommended Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget being presented to the BOCC. <br /> As part of the BOCC's budget discussions, the Board discussed discontinuance of the summer <br /> day camp program, as included in my recommended budget, during the Board's June 18, 2007 <br /> budget work session. Staff followed up on that discussion by providing additional information to <br /> the Board at the June 21, 2007 budget work session. That additional information is provided for <br /> reference purposes as Attachment 1 to this memorandum. The Board then moved forward with <br /> adoption of the budget on June 26, 2007 with the discontinuance of the summer day camp <br /> program. <br /> Based on my additional review of the summer day camp program since March 6, 2008, I believe <br /> the County should remain on its present course with the discontinuance of the summer day <br /> camp program. This is based on the significant number of private providers in the County as <br /> noted in Attachment 1. It should also be noted that the SportsPlex would like to expand its <br /> summer day camp program and approached staff in February 2008 concerning the possibility of <br /> utilizing some Parks and Recreation Department facilities as part of this day camp expansion. <br /> An additional opportunity the County could consider would be to provide funds for camperships <br /> for individuals interested in attending camp at the SportsPlex. <br /> I hope this information is helpful, and please let me know any questions. <br /> Chair Jacobs said to bring this forward as an agenda item and Commissioner Carey <br /> agreed. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that it was not clear to him last year about this and the Board <br /> did not vote on this, so it should be brought back. He remembers expressing quite clearly that <br /> he was concerned about the lower income children who depended on the County's summer <br /> camps and who would not be able to afford to go to these other summer camps. He said that <br /> advisory board members have told him that the Recreation and Parks Advisory Committee was <br /> not involved in this decision, and that is inappropriate. He asked that this be brought to the <br /> RPAC and the Board of County Commissioners simultaneously. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that this has been discussed at some of the Sportsplex Citizen <br /> Advisory Board meetings. There may not be the room this year for extra campers because of <br /> the construction. He suggested discussing whether the Sportsplex could work with the County <br /> on subsidies and whether it should be the sole entity to do this, or if other legitimate camps <br /> could be involved also. <br /> Chair Jacobs said to check with the Planning Director to make sure some of the other <br /> summer camps are not in violation of zoning laws. <br /> 17 <br />
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