Orange County NC Website
�. <br /> I (1) Should a claim for relief pursuant to this Section not be made by 6 <br /> 2 February 28,2013 such claim is waived and no further relief shall be <br /> 3 granted pursuant to this or any other Act. <br /> 4 (2) Alamance County and Orange County shall not grant refunds or <br /> 5 releases pursuant to this Section for any claims made after February <br /> 6 28, 2013 and are released from all liability, and no court action shall <br /> 7 be maintained, for any such claims made for any act or failure to act <br /> 8 pursuant to this Section. <br /> 9 SECTION 5 (c). The provisions of this Section shall apply only to properties <br /> 10 transitioned or reassigned from one county to the other, in whole or in part, by the resurveys of <br /> 11 individual qualifying properties pursuant to SL 2010-61 and this Act. <br /> 12 SECTION 5 (d). For purposes of this section only, the term property owner shall <br /> 13 include any builder or developer which paid property taxes on real property to both counties <br /> 14 and subsequently sold said property or which, as part of an escrow agreement in which the <br /> 15 buyer of such property paid taxes to one county and the builder or developer who sold the <br /> 16 property,paid taxes on the same piece of property to the adjoining county. <br /> 17 SECTION 5 (e). The taxing authorities of Alamance County and Orange County shall <br /> 18 notify property owners affected by this Section of the terms of this Section within,30 days of <br /> 19 ratification of this Act. Such Notice shall be by United States Mail at the mailing address to <br /> 20 which any tax bills were previously submitted. No other notice is or shall be required. <br /> 21 SECTION 6. Any child who was a resident of any area reassigned by this act on its <br /> 22 date of ratification and who was a student in the Orange or Alamance school system during the <br /> 23 2011-2012 school year, and the siblings of any such person, may attend school in the same <br /> 24 school system they attended in the 2011-2012 school year without necessity of a release or <br /> 25 payment of tuition. Any such student, while attending the Orange County school system, shall <br /> 26 be considered a resident of Orange County for all public school purposes, including <br /> 27 transportation, athletics, and funding formulas. Any such student, while attending the <br /> 28 Alamance County School system, shall be considered a resident of Alamance County for all <br /> 29 public school purposes, including transportation, athletics and funding formulas. Notice must <br /> 30 be given to all affected school systems by the parent or guardian in order to exercise the <br /> 31 privilege granted by this section. <br /> 32 SECTION 7. The establishment of a county boundary line is, pursuant to Article VII <br /> 33 Section 1 of the North Carolina Constitution, the sole responsibility of the North Carolina <br /> 34 General assembly. Further, it is vital to the State of North Carolina and all affected local <br /> 35 governments that county boundary lines be fixed and any uncertainty as to the location of <br /> 36 county boundary lines be resolved. For this reason and in the interest of justice neither <br /> 37 Alamance County nor Orange County,nor any agent,employee, or appointed or elected official <br /> 38 thereof, shall be liable to any individual, group, organization, for profit or not for profit <br /> . 39 business entity of any kind, governmental entity or agency of any type or kind, for any <br /> 40 damages, costs, fees or fines, and no court action shall be maintained against said counties, <br /> 41 officials, employees and agents, for any recommendation, act, failure to act, or conduct related <br /> 42 to SL 2010-61, SL 2011-88, or this Act and/or the adoption of a fixed boundary line separating <br /> 43 the two counties. Except as set out in Section 5 above, and effective upon ratification of this <br /> 44 Act, Alamance County and Orange County, their officials, employees and agents, are released <br /> 45 from all liability for any claims made, and no court action shall be maintained against said <br /> 46 officials, employees and agents, for any act or failure to act pursuant to the terms of this Act, <br /> 47 SL2011-88, or SL 2010-61 and no further relief shall be granted or cause of action sustained <br /> 48 except as provided herein. <br /> 49 SECTION 8. Should any provision of SL 201.0-61 as amended by SL 2011-88 <br /> 50 conflict with any provision of this Act the provisions of this Act shall control. Should any line <br /> 51 marking the area of the 9% reflected in the surveys referenced herein conflict with any line <br /> 4 <br />