Orange County NC Website
1 on January 1, 2013, shall be subject to ad valorem taxes in the county to which the property is <br /> 2 reassigned for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, to the same extent as it would have been <br /> 3 had it been correctly recognized by the tax departments of each county on March 1, 2013, <br /> 4 except as hereinafter provided with respect to classified registered motor vehicles. On <br /> 5 September 1, 2012, the adjoining County Tax Administrators shall commence the transfer to <br /> 6 the respective County Tax Assessors the ad valorem tax listings and valuations for all real and <br /> 7 personal property subject to ad valorem taxation in areas affected by the resurvey of the <br /> 8 boundary line except classified motor vehicles which were registered in the adjoining counties <br /> 9 prior to July 1, 2012. For the fiscal year which begins July 1, 2012, all real and personal <br /> 10 property in areas affected by the resurvey of the boundary line, which was subject to ad <br /> 11 valorem taxation in that area on January 1,2013;shall be assessed and taxed as follows: <br /> 12 (1) The ad valorem property taxes assessed on all classified registered motor <br /> 13 vehicles registered or listed in adjoining counties between January 1, 2012, <br /> 14 and March 1, 2013, shall be collected by the appropriate adjoining county <br /> 15 tax collector and all such taxes shall be retained by that adjoining county. <br /> 16 The taxes on all classified registered motor vehicles registered after March 1, <br /> 17 2013,. shall be assessed and collected by the County-Tax Department in the <br /> 18 county to which the real property wherein the classified registered motor <br /> 19 vehicles are situated has been reassigned. <br /> 20 (2) The values established by the particular adjoining County Tax Administrator <br /> 21 on all personal property other than classified registered motor vehicles shall <br /> 22 be used by the each County Tax Assessor without adjustment in computing <br /> 23 taxes due for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013. All such taxes shall be <br /> 24 assessed and collected by the appropriate County Tax Department. <br /> 25 (3) For the interim time period between the reassignment of properties into their <br /> 26 respective counties and until such time as the next regularly scheduled <br /> 27 revaluation period, Alamance County and Orange County may select either <br /> 28 of two methods of valuating the property reassigned into their respective <br /> 29 counties by this act. The selection of either method by a County shall not <br /> 30 give any individual or entity grounds for challenging such temporary <br /> 31 valuation. Such methods are delineated as follows: <br /> 32 a. The values established by the adjoining County Tax Administrators <br /> 33 on all real property formerly taxed in their county shall be adjusted <br /> 34 by the appropriate County Tax Assessor by applying the difference <br /> 35 between one hundred percent (100%) of such values and the <br /> 36 appropriate County median ratio, as established by the Sales <br /> 37 Assessment Ratio Study compiled by the North Carolina Department <br /> 38 of Revenue as of January 1, 2009. The taxes determined by applying <br /> 39- this method will be collected and retained by the appropriate County <br /> 40 Tax Collector. The value of such property shall then be revalued <br /> 41 according to the regularly scheduled revaluation period for each <br /> 42 County. <br /> 43 b. The values established by the adjoining County Tax Administrators <br /> 44 on all real property formerly taxed in their county shall be adopted by <br /> 45 the appropriate County Tax Assessor upon the transition of property <br /> 46 to the adjoining County. The valuation of such property shall then be <br /> 47 revalued according to the regularly scheduled revaluation period for <br /> 48 each County. <br /> 49 (4) Beginning January 1, 2014, all property in areas affected by the resurvey of <br /> 50 the boundary line, which is subject to ad valorem taxation shall be listed, <br /> 51 assessed, and taxed by the appropriate County Tax Administrator in the <br /> 2 <br />