Minutes - 20080306
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20080306
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/17/2016 11:53:58 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:59:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
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Agenda - 03-06-2008-
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at a March/April meeting with more detailed cost analysis and implementation recommendation <br /> consistent with Work Group recommendation; to incorporate recommendations regarding <br /> preserving landfill space; and direct staff to further investigate and report on the feasibility of <br /> cardboard curbside collection, banning CRTs, and recycling of rigid plastics. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Board Comments (Three-Minute Limit Per Commissioner) <br /> Commissioner Carey— none. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that one way that time could be saved at meetings is with <br /> reports. At several recent meetings there have been reports where people read reports to the <br /> Board, and he could have read them himself. He is not against the work that these groups do, <br /> but in order to save time, these reports could be read by each Commissioner. Tonight, the <br /> Board did not get to core agenda until 8:30 p.m., and it is like this every meeting. Another thing <br /> is that the Board has had a public hearing on an item and then it comes back for the Board to <br /> discuss and it ends up being a second public hearing. This happened with the local revenue <br /> option issue. He thinks that it is important for the County Commissioners to have time to <br /> discuss these issues amongst themselves. <br /> Commissioner Foushee echoed Chair Nelson's comments regarding the reports. She <br /> said that she attended the NACo conference in D.C. She got some information about affordable <br /> housing, and the National Association of Realtors provides education for communities for free, <br /> and Orange County does not tap into that. She will be bringing back this information to the <br /> Affordable Housing Advisory Board. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the Special Transit Advisory Commission (STAC) is <br /> scheduled to meet one more time. The STAC will be presenting a new vision for public transit. <br /> It appears that the STAC's recommendations will include a % cent sales tax for transit funding. <br /> With respect to the details for the regional transit vision, we will need to wait for the final report. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the DCHC-MPO Transportation Advisory Committee in <br /> recent meetings has emphasized bicycle/pedestrian projects being included as part of their <br /> multi-model transportation planning. Commissioner Gordon noted that TTA is completing a re- <br /> branding effort. Also, new buses that have been ordered will be arriving the middle of March for <br /> use in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that he will represent the Board of County Commissioners at the <br /> Board orientation for candidates next week. He said that he represented the County at an 11— <br /> county soil and water conservation regional meeting. The Lands Legacy Program and other <br /> conservation programs that Orange County does were discussed. <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> Laura Blackmon said that the elevator at Whitted is back in service. <br /> The Emergency Services interviews are next week with the three finalists. There will <br /> also be a meeting with staff and the Fire Chief's Council. <br /> Regarding the last Manager's Memo, there was a recommendation from the Parks <br /> Department about a $3 parking fee for the Cool Jazz Festival, and she asked the Board to let <br /> her know if this is an issue. Chair Jacobs asked why there was a fee and Laura Blackmon said <br /> that last year there were so many attendees that there was some difficulty with parking. The <br /> school parking lot will be used, and there will be shuttles. The $3 will be to cover all of the <br /> parking associated costs. <br /> She said that Fletcher Barber and Noah Rannells made a grant presentation today to the <br /> ADFP Trust Fund for the value-added processing center. The Farmer's Market opened March <br /> 1st, and there were seven vendors and about 90 shoppers. She thanked the Sheriff, Public <br /> Works, the construction company, and the Market Manager, Robin Mulkey. <br />
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